No More Hiding - True Power Revealed!

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October 1st

Naruto raises his arm blocking a kick. He grabs the leg tossing Robin to the side. Robin twists around landing on his feet. Kaldur charges forward unleashing three quick punches that are all dodged with ease before Naruto goes for a leg sweep. Jumping over the leg sweep, Kaldur lands a safe distance away to reevaluate his plan of attack. Robin and Kaldur crouch into fighting stances waiting for the opportunity to attack Naruto. A giggling sound makes all three turn. Megan and Connor are walking side by side with Wolf, a genetically enhanced wolf, walks behind them.

Robin smirks, "Did you know those two were a couple?"

"I believe I knew before they did," smirks Kaldur.

"So who is going to tell those two?" Robin gestures to Wally and Artemis.

Kaldur shakes his head, "It is not our place." Naruto listens to the conversation with a blank expression. Wally is an idiot so it comes as no surprise that the speedster never realized Megan's attraction to Connor. Artemis on the other hand is a surprise. The ninja knew that Artemis liked Superboy as well mainly from a physical standpoint. She is much brighter than Wally and he expected her to see the change in relationship between Megan and Connor. It isn't like the two are being very discreet. Holding hands, kissing, and all other things that a couple do.

"Isn't Zatara our babysitter this week so why is he here?" Wally looks at Captain Marvel. "And he is eating my snacks!"

"Recognized B02, Batman."

Batman teleports into the cave in a flash of light. "Computer national news," orders the Dark Knight. A screen opens up revealing live video footage of a large plant attacking Metropolis. Superman, Hawkwoman, Hawkman, and Martian Manhunter are battling the plant creature while trying to protect the citizens of Metropolis.

"This plant creature appeared thirty minutes ago and even the combined effort of the Justice League has yet to be able to stop it! Citizens are being urged to evacuate as the plant continues to cause more destruction."

"So are we heading out there?" smirks Robin.

"No, the League will soon have the situation under control. That is not the reason I am here. According to your intel Sportsmaster supplied Cadmus Blockbuster formula to Cobra."

"Which they combined with Bane's venom," continues Wally

Robin frowns, "and even though we confiscated the entire shipment...well Naruto confiscated the entire shipment the Brain somehow managed to get his hands on it and use it to create a genetically enhanced army of super animals."

Kaldur gains a pensive expression. "How did Brain get hands on the formula? Did any of the shipment get stolen?"

"All vials are safely aboard the Watchtower except one that is at Wayne Tech under heavy guard and constantly being analyzed for a cure," answers Batman. "We have to assume that Sportsmaster supplied others with the Blockbuster formula."

Superboy rubs Wolf's head. "It wasn't all that bad, got Wolf here." Wolf growls in delight.

"Brain also used inhibitor collars to control the animals like the ones in Belle Reve," states Megan.

"Batman, is it possible that plant-thing is on Cobra-venom too?" asks Artemis.

A holographic keyboard appears in front of Batman. "I had Green Lantern run a spot analysis on the plant. It contains traces of a Cobra-Venom variant in its celosias." Images of the cells appear in front of Batman.

"These can't be unrelated instances," states Kaldur.

"Agreed. It is obvious that there is a...Secret Society of Super Villains working together. This attack on Metropolis is only the beginning," says Batman.

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