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A punch sends a thug flying through the air. He slams into a building wall. Blood sprays from his mouth before he hits the ground unconscious. Naruto glances around to find all the Yakuza members knocked out cold. A few pictures are taken before he vanishes in a swirl of leaves. The ninja reappears on the roof of a building. It has been seven hours since he left the team. A mixture of emotions filled him that was driving him to be a bit rougher than normal with the criminals he came across. The first emotion that he felt was anger. Anger at the team for not trusting him. After everything, he had done for the team. He saved them from certain death at the hands of Red Inferno and Red Torpedo. If he had not shown up the entire team would be dead. How many times does he have to save them during a mission to prove that he is trustworthy?

The second emotion that filled him was sadness. For the first time in his life, he had found a place where he belonged. A place where people were not calling him names or trying to kill him. He leaps to the next roof. Perhaps that is the true reason he joined the team. Always being alone is more painful than most people can imagine. No one to rely on, no one to talk to, and more importantly no one to care about his well-being. Loneliness can inflict terrible pain on a person. When Canary offered him the chance to join a team where he would work with others his age it was a chance to drive away the loneliness. That was the real reason that he agreed to join the team. And it worked. Though the team didn't know a thing about espionage, it was nice being able to do missions with others. More importantly, he even managed to make a couple friends in Megan and Aqualad. But all that was gone now. He refused to be on a team that didn't trust him. As much as it hurt to leave, he did what he had to do.

"Kit, do not blame yourself. You did nothing wrong; do not take responsibility for the stupidity of others. Not again." Kurama's words did little to make him feel better, but it make he smirk just a little. Kurama was never good a pep talker.

A presence struck his senses. Naruto paused at the edge of the roof. He turned around to stare into the shadows of the building. "You can come out," states the ninja. Out of the shadows emerges a beautiful young woman. The woman is one of the most gorgeous women he ever laid eyes upon. She has high cheekbones, a sharp nose, green eyes like emeralds, and long brown hair. She wears a green and black full body jumpsuit with matching gloves and boots, and a white belt and holster with a small semi-automatic pistol. He has come across many kunoichi and heroines, this woman is one of the most beautiful he ever laid eyes upon. And judging from the way she moves with such confidence she knows of her beauty.

"You are good. Would you prefer to speak in your native language?"

Naruto's eyes dart around. "If your hidden partners make a move I will take you all down."

A smile forms on her face. She nods in acceptance. "I am impressed. It seems that the rumors about you are all true." Naruto stares at her with a blank expression. "My name is Talia and I come bearing a request from my father. We wish to offer you a spot in the League of Shadows. One of your skill and abilities would be at my father's right hand. You would be denied nothing."

"I don't serve those that are weaker than me."

"Yet you are on a team filled with those weaker than you including the team leader," replies Talia knowingly.

"Let me rephrase my comment if I was to become an assassin I would not do it under the command of another. My skills outstrip all your soldiers including you and your father. I would not need his assistance in being at the top," states Naruto.

Young Justice: Zero To HeroWhere stories live. Discover now