Strange Situations and Doubts

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Connor throws several jabs. Canary redirects them all with ease. He throws a right hook, but she ducks under it and performs a legs weep that knocks him flat on his back. A smirk appears on the woman's face. "Not bad, you are getting better." Canary offers her hand. Taking her hand, he allows her to help him stand up. With a firm grip she pulls him close and wraps her arms around his neck. "I think your effort deserves a reward," Canary smiles seductively. She pulls him into a passionate kiss. Connor wraps his arms around her waist just above her nicely shaped butt.

"Is this common in the training room?"

"No, this must be a special training simulation."

Connor and Canary break apart. The two turn around to see Naruto and Raven staring at them. There is a hint of amusement in Naruto's eyes. "It is not what you think!" splutters Canary. Connor gains a red hue to his cheeks. He turns away refusing to meet anyone's eyes. "We just got a bit carried away."

Naruto raises an eyebrow. Connor whispers to Canary. Blushing, Canary transform back into a green-skinned Martian girl. "Naruto..."

"There is no reason to feel embarrassed. I have no issue with you two making out. But if you don't mind, I would like to train with Raven a bit," interrupts Naruto with a small smile.

Megan smiles gratefully. Flying over to the ninja, she gives him a hug. "Thanks, we will let you two have the room. I need to get started on making lunch." Connor gives a small nod before leaving with his girlfriend.

Raven looks questioningly at Naruto. "Is it common to change one's appearance to satisfy the desires of one's partner?"

"Not sure," Naruto begins to type on the holographic keyboard. He is setting up the training simulation that he wishes to run with Raven. "I have seen many different types of intimate acts. Dressing up as another seems to be a popular one."


One final tap of the button causes the room to transform. Light bends to create a virtual city that is an exact replica of Metropolis. "You have five minutes to hide. The goal of this training simulation will be to avoid being caught by me for ten minutes. Ready?" Raven nods. "Go," orders Naruto. He watches as she flies off into the distance.


Bruce leans back in his chair. A frown forms on his face. It has been over a month since the Riddler escaped from Belle Reve. There have been no signs of the villain. Riddler is the type of person that enjoys flaunting his genius. The villain will even come up with overly elaborate plans to show his superiority. So why wasn't the Riddler flaunting his escape of Belle Reve? No one has ever escaped from the maximum security prison. It is unlike the Riddler to keep such an accomplishment on the down low.

'What are you up to Nigma?'

This question is plaguing the Dark Knight. A beeping sound interrupts his thoughts. He presses a button to bring up images from Mount Justice. Bruce raises an eyebrow at the footage. For a second he cracks a smile knowing that this is going to be fun a fun conversation. He can already picture her reaction.

Star City

"I told you it would be a good movie."

"Good is taking it a bit far."

"Oh come on, admit that you liked it."

"It was entertaining."

Oliver shakes his head. He can never seem to win with this woman. Dinah smiles playfully. She truly enjoys messing with him. It was a good movie, but she is not about to admit that he is right. That would ruin all her fun. "Where did you plan on taking me for dinner?" asks Dinah.

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