Storm Brewing

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Deathstroke stands refusing to kneel. Like a true assassin, he kept his eye open and muscles are coiled ready to strike at a moment's notice. "Where is Copperhead?" demands Ra's Al Ghul.

"I am not her keeper," states Deathstroke.

"I do not have time to play games. I gave you both an assignment." Ra's was losing his patience with Deathstroke. Lately, his number one assassin had been going off on his own far too much. He expected his assassins to be at his beck and call like proper soldiers. Ra's had been planning to promote Deathstroke to replace Sportsmaster as the Light's personal assassin. Such ideas were slowly vanishing from Ra's mind at Deathstroke's recent behavior.

Deathstroke glances into the shadows. Reluctantly, he decides to play nice. "She went off on her own several days ago. I'm guessing to try and kill the boy, however it didn't work in her favor."

Ra raises an eyebrow. A pensive expression settles on his face. "What do you mean?"

"She's in Arkham Asylum. Whatever the boy did to her left her a quadriplegic," states Deathstroke with no compassion.

"That is unfortunate, but Copperhead only has herself to blame. Now, this causes more problems. Since you work for me, the boy will see this as more reason to not join the League." Ra's Al Ghul turns around. "I have plans for the child. With the proper guidance and training, he will make for an excellent successor."

A hint of anger appears in Deathstroke's eye. It is quickly concealed. Deathstroke is going to enjoy bringing the world down around the man. Ra's Al Ghul reign will soon come to an end. And the one to do it is going to be the child that Ra's wants so badly. "You are dismissed. Find the child," orders Ra's Al Ghul.

'Soon, your time will come soon,' promises Deathstroke. The assassin vanishes into the shadows.

Talia steps out of the shadows. "Father, I sent our agents have found Copperheard. She is, indeed, in a coma, but should wake before the New Year's. What should be done?" Her eyes glance into the shadows where Deathstroke vanished. "I believe he will betray you. He may have his own plans for the child."

"I am aware," Ra's gives his beard a light stroke. "I have been watching his movements carefully. He is of no concern. It is a pity. I had high hopes for him." A hard look that promises death is in the immortal's eyes. "But I will not let anyone interfere with my plans. Not even my own daughter." Talia feels a shiver go down her spine. "As for Copperhead, leave her where she is. I have no use for someone who can't fight." Ra's disappears into the shadows.


Diana spots Superman staring at the monitor. Her eyes notice a picture of two individuals on the screen. A slight frown forms on her face. The decision was made a week ago. It was time for him to let the matter drop and accept it. She walks over to him, determined to settle his worries. "At least you are no longer focused on Superboy," states Diana.

Superman doesn't even turn. "This is not a joking matter. These are children..."

"Your arguments were noted during the meeting. The League took a vote and by the end of the year, both will be members of the League." Diana places a hand on his shoulder. He turns to face her obviously not at all eased by her words.

John Stewart enters the room to take over on monitor duty. Superman flies off not saying another word on the matter. Diana folds her arms under her bust. A look of disappointment upon her face. John notices the images on the screen. "I take it he is still upset with the decision?"

"On one hand, I agree with him, but on the other hand, I don't consider the circumstances behind these children."

"I understand," nods John. "In the Lantern Corps, I have several comrades that are around the same age. It was hard working with them at first, but I learned that despite their young age, they were well trained and very mature. Their age became irrelevant."

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