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"Once again our plans have been thwarted by the young heroes," says L-1.

L-2 speaks up activating a video screen that depicts one of the young heroes. "It seems the one responsible for the majority of thwarting our plans is this one. According to the news, his hero name is Maelstorm."

The screen zooms in on Naruto. Another screen portrays Naruto's battle with Amazo. "Such skill and abilities, he fights like an assassin," speaks L-4. "Do we know anything else on him?"

"Other than he has the ability to manipulate the elements we know nothing about him," says L-3.

"That is not entirely true," says L-2. "I believe that this young hero hasn't been a hero for long. He showed up out of nowhere in Tokyo a few months ago. It could be he was an assassin or trained as one before then."

L-1 gains an interested tone. "That would mean he has no mentor to guide him. Perhaps the Light can offer him a better career path."

August 16th

A ringing sound causes Higurashi to look up from the counter. The fifty year old man watches as a kid enters into his shop. It is a kid that he recognizes from previous visits. Higurashi raises an eyebrow before speaking a gruff manner. "Come back for more kunai and shuriken?"

"No, I have come searching for a katana."

Higurashi would usually scowl and go back to reading if any other customer said that to him. Most people these days come into his store looking for something cool. Tourists come in all the time not knowing the history or value of the weapons he sells. No appreciation for the blood and sweat that he pours into making each weapon. He grew so tired of seeing his weapons fall into the hands of fools that he stopped putting out most of true weapons. Almost all of the weapons on display and for sell are imitations he created to act as decorations. The fools that buy them especially those wannabe Yakuza brats have no idea that the weapons they purchase are mere rip-offs. He doesn't feel the least bit guilty selling such weapons. The true crime would be allowing his master pieces to gather dust or be used improperly. Better they stay with him then in the hands of those that can't appreciate true works of art.

This child is no tourist or fool. No, this kid has an eye. First time the brat entered the store he looked around before approaching the counter. Higurashi was shocked that the kid asked him if he sold any true weapons.

Naruto stares at Higurashi. "I am looking for real weapons. Do you sell any?"

"Got a problem with my store brat?"

"These decorations are useless to me. I wish to purchase true steel not cheap imitations," replies Naruto.

A child with a true appreciation for the art of weapon making. It almost made him cry in joy that there is hope for the future generations. "Over here," Higurashi walks over to the wall at the right side of the store. Dozens of swords of various sizes are mounted on the wall. Under these swords is a sign that reads DISPLAYS, NOT REAL SWORDS. It is humorous to see people glance at the sign and walk away from the swords without even inspecting them. "I recommend a smaller sized katana due to your size," states the blacksmith.

"Hmm," Naruto examines the weapons. "I don't have the money to buy one at the moment..."

"We can work out a payment plan. Just choose the one you like," smirks Higurashi. A nod comes from Naruto. Naruto reaches out grabbing a katana with a black hilt and a tear drop shaped guard. The blade is 42 inches long with a wavy design that gleams in the light. Testing the weight and balance first, he makes sure that he enjoys the feel of the blade. Once he is acquainted with the weight and balance he takes a few steps back before placing a second hand on the hilt. In a smooth motion he swings the sword in a downward slash than twists his hands making a thrust. Naruto releases the hilt with his left hand reaching up to catch a black sheath. "A good choice. The sword costs 100,000 yen. Make payments of 2,000 yen a month and it is yours."

Young Justice: Zero To HeroWhere stories live. Discover now