New Developments

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Raven hovers in the air making sure to keep to the shadows. She silently watches as a certain ninja easily takes out several bank robbers. The past three days, she has been keeping an eye on the hero that helped her to stop the rise of Trigon. For reasons she is unable to explain, she is drawn to the mysterious blond. Well, there are several reasons that come to mind, but she knows none of them are the true reason that she follows him.

The first reason that she decided to follow him is due to his incredible power. Raven is not one to brag, but she is well aware that her magical power is greater than most. In this dimension, she is sure that she is one of the most powerful magic users. Being the daughter of Trigon blessed her with incredible magical power. The only positive of being the daughter of the demon. Naruto, on the other hand, possesses power that dwarfs her own. He possesses super speed, super strength, ability to manipulate the elements, incredible fighting talent, and much more than she knows he is hiding. There are others in this dimension that possess incredible power, but most of them are much older and experienced. Uzumaki Naruto is about the same age as her. His potential has yet to be reached. How strong will he be when he reaches that full potential?

Second, he has the power to resist demonic powers. Minions of Trigon are based off the seven deadly sins that reside in all humans. Trigon uses those sins to gain strength and open portals to this dimension as well as other dimensions. Even she is not immune to such demons hence the reason she keeps her emotions in check. Naruto, on the other hand, was able to resist the demon's ability. He openly admitted to having greedy/selfish desires yet the demon was unable to feed on them. Raven still had no idea how he was able to accomplish such a feat.

Cold metal pressed against her throat. "Is there a reason you have been spying on me these past couple days?"

Raven stares down at the Naruto on the street. She had foolishly forgotten about his ability to make clones. Once again, he piqued her interest. "I meant no harm," says Raven. "I merely wished to learn more about you."

"I have enough people spying on me from the shadows. I rather not add you to that list."

Naruto removes the kunai. Raven turns around. "I apologize," she bows. "There is something that has been on my mind." He stares at her not making a sound. "Why are you so interested in a demon called Kyuubi?"

"Well, the demon Kyuubi has been sealed inside of me since I was born. He is not very open about his past."

Gotham – November 4th

"When do I get to meet this boy?"

Artemis almost drops her eggs. "What?"

Paula looks at her daughter with a knowing smile. "Did you really think you could hide it from me?"

A groan escapes the archer. There is no point in trying to hide it at this point. It is times like these that Artemis hates that her mother used to be a supervillain and an assassin. "I am not bringing him home so that you can try to intimidate him," glares Artemis.

"I just want to meet him," lies Paula. "I want to make sure that he is worth my daughter's attention."

"Well, he did save my life a couple times so I think he qualifies."

"Oh? So he is someone on your team then?" Artemis groans wishing she had never said anything. "It is not Robin is it?" frowns Paula. The idea of her daughter spending time with Batman's protégé did not sit well with her.

"No way," Artemis ruffles her nose. Robin is cute but way too young.



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