Darkness Rising

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Naruto and Raven look up to see Megan and Connor walking towards them. Naruto is surprised that Connor is with her. He did not expect the boy to tag along. Megan always invites Connor, but he never accepts the invitation to hang out with them. "Mega, Connor," greets Naruto. Raven bows politely to the pair.

"Hey," grunts Connor.

Megan smiles excitedly. "I finally got him to agree to come out on a double date. I mean, not that you two are dating. I know you are dating..."

"I understand," says Naruto. "It is my first time in Happy Harbor in such a manner. We will follow your lead." He notices Raven shift uncomfortably. She is not used to being out in such a casual manner. Like he used to be, she does not like the idea of spending time in public especially out of her usual clothes. Raven is wearing a red sweat jacket with a hoodie, white jeans, and a pair of black sneakers. If not for the fact that he knows that she is a female, he might mistake her for a boy.

"I thought we would go see a movie then I know a great place to have lunch! It is right next to this cupcake store that we can go to afterwards for dessert!" beams Megan. Connor gains a resigned expression. There is no stopping this double date. He much rather being spending time in the cave alone with his girlfriend, but Megan wants to do things that a normal couple do. "Come on Connor!" Megan walks close to Raven and begins to chatter away.

Connor glances at Naruto. "How come you didn't invite Artemis?"

"I did, but as you know tomorrow is Thanksgiving. She is helping her mom prepare for it. I did not fully understand it, but apparently she has a tradition with her mom that they do every year. So she is unavailable for the next couple days," answers Naruto.

"Megan invited you..."


"Are you coming?"


"Good," says Connor relieved. "I didn't want to be the only one there from the team. I am sure I would get stuck helping with the cooking." Naruto frowns. He understands Connor's displeasure. Megan can be a bit excitable when it comes to cooking. She is a great cook, but he prefers to stand to the side then be in the heat of the action.

"The others?"

A shrug comes from the clone. "Wally and Zatanna are spending it with their families. Robin made up some excuse. Kaldur is going to Atlantis."

Naruto knew that Wally and Zatanna would spend the holiday with their families. Robin comes and goes as he pleases. The Boy Wonder follows Batman's instructions so there is never a guarantee he will be around during free time. Kaldur is a surprise though. Usually, the team leader shows up at such events.

'I suppose Kaldur wants to return home from time to time,' thinks Naruto.

Unknown Location

A beautiful woman enters in a wide chamber fit to house a king. Each step she takes is calculated and doesn't make a single sound. There is a slight sway in her hips meant to entice the eyes of men and women alike. Upon reaching her destination, she kneels down in respect. "Father, I have received information regarding the Justice League. It would seem tomorrow that the League will be holding a vote to invite new members to join the League."

"You have done well, Talia."

Ra stands up. He walks over to his daughter with a pleased smile. A simple nod of the head frees her to rise. She does so obediently. He heads out of the room with her following as a proper soldier. "Do you think the League will promote it?" asks Talia.

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