New Gods

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Batman enters the cave in a flash of light. "How is the team?" Martian Manhunter and Batman turn to face the Dark Knight. On the screen in front of them is an image of the team. None of the members are speaking. Everyone is standing around in silence.

"I am still distraught over what we wrought. I can only imagine what they are feeling," says J'onn.

"I know it was...traumatic...but I had hoped the team would rally together."

J'onn stares at his friend. "Trauma tends to linger as I know you know my friend." Batman shows no outward emotion.


A sigh escapes the Martian Manhunter. "She has her work cut out for her."


Canary and Naruto are staring at each other. The two are in a private lounge area where all the cameras have been turned off. "I know you probably think that this is a waste of time..."

Naruto interrupts the woman. "You wish to discuss the trauma I may have faced during the training simulation. Unlike the others, death doesn't cause me any trauma. I am a ninja and I am sure that you among certain other individuals have realized that my life has not been normal. I have seen death many times. I have killed others in order to stay alive." Canary remains calm listening. He is not wrong. She along with Batman and Diana saw from Naruto's fighting style that he was trained to kill. Diana was the first to point out that Naruto's training was focused on killing much like Amazon training is focused on killing one's enemy. Naruto confirmed it this moment that his hands are stained with blood.

"So why agreed to speak with me?" asks Canary. "You must have wanted to talk about something."

"Artemis," starts Naruto. "Her I was upset. It reminded me of the first friend that I lost and it caused me a great deal of pain. When she was hurt during the battle against the Injustice League I was concerned, but I felt nothing else. This time it was different."

Curiosity appears on Canary's face. "Did anything happen during the simulation?"

The ninja chooses his words carefully. "Yes, Artemis admitted that she liked me." Naruto scratches the back of his head in a gesture that Canary finds cute. Canary smiles at the nervous tick. "I am not sure if I feel the same way, but I did invite her to spend time with me in Tokyo. Do you think it is okay for me to pursue such an action with a teammate?"

A light laugh comes from Canary. "I am probably not the person to be asking. I am in a relationship with a colleague." Naruto stares at her blankly. "Green Arrow," clarifies Canary. He continues to stare at her blankly. "At least pretend to care about the comparison." A grumble comes from the woman. She was trying to make a connection.

"Congrats," replies Naruto.

"Shut up," Canary rolls her eyes. Naruto gains the tiniest of smiles. "What I am trying to say is that your personal life is your own. It is up to you to balance it with everything else."

"I see," states Naruto. It makes sense. He is free to make his own decisions. Anyone that has a problem with it will be ignored. "Thank you." Standing up, the ninja leaves the room. Canary smirks as the door close. At this rate, Naruto will be smiling much more often. Artemis is a good match for the ninja. She is the type of girl that won't be afraid to speak her mind and challenge Naruto.

Cave - Kitchen

Naruto enters the kitchen to find the entire team standing silently. He ignores them all heading over towards Artemis. Wally's eyes narrow upon Naruto. The ninja ignores the negative emotions directed towards him from the speedster. "Artemis," says Naruto. Artemis looks up at the ninja. "I am heading back to Tokyo. Do you want to come with?"

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