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October 30th

Naruto tilts his head. "Halloween Party?"

Megan nods excitedly. "It is going to be great. I invited Wally, Robin, Kaldur, Artemis, and Zatanna. Superboy is coming too of course." She is so excited that she is bouncing on the balls of her feet. Naruto stares at her with a blank expression. "Do you want to come? It will be fun!"

"Yeah, sounds like so much fun," grumbles Connor. Megan sends a light glare at her boyfriend. He turns away going back to listening to the news.

"What does one do at a Halloween Party?" asks Naruto. Megan looks at Naruto in surprise. She slaps her forehead realizing that he comes from a dimension that doesn't celebrate the same holidays on Earth. The Martian girl is among four people that know the truth behind his background. Artemis was first, Megan second, and he told Canary and Batman at the same time yesterday. No more hiding in the shadows. In time the rest of the team would know as well.

"Halloween is a holiday where people dress up in costumes. Children go from house to house in an activity known as trick-or-treating to get candy. It is supposed to be a scary holiday," explains Megan. "I have never celebrated Halloween, but the party is going to be great."

A shrug comes from the ninja. "I don't have any other plans," says Naruto.

Megan beams happily. "Perfect! Oh, be sure to dress up!"

"As what?"

"Anything you want except yourself or a member of the League."

Anything he wants? He doesn't want to dress up at all. Still, he did agree to come to the party and he doesn't break his word. Maybe Higurashi can help him with the costume design. He has been meaning to stop at the weapon show owner to pick up a new sword. "I will think of something," says Naruto.

A gleam appears in Megan's eyes. "Ok so now that we cleared that all up. How is everything between you and Artemis?" smiles Megan. "I heard you two went out on a date."

"How are you and Superboy? Are you two still keeping your relationship a secret?" replies Naruto. Megan and Conner freeze up. Naruto walks away with a small victorious smile. One should never mess with a ninja when it comes to finding out information.

Tokyo – October 30th; 10:30 pm

Higurashi comes out of the backroom to find the shop empty. The old man stretches out his arms and back. As he looks back down he finds Naruto standing in front of the counter. "If it isn't the sword breaker. What do you want brat?" asks Higurashi. It is clear as day that the blacksmith is still upset that Naruto broke one of his finest katana.

"How is the new katana coming along?" asks Naruto.

A smile appears on the blacksmith's face. One thing that the blacksmith loves to talk about is the new weapon that he is building. "That metal you brought me, it is unlike anything I have ever seen. It is stronger than steel so it is taking me a while to forge it, but I will make it into a sword like no other by the time I am done," boasts Higurashi.

Naruto decided to keep several of the weapons that Intergang had used. It was made from alien technology that was stronger than any known alloy on Earth. He brought the weapons straight to Higurashi to use as much metal as possible in forging a katana that would be able to withstand the chakra he channels through it. Higurashi jumped at the opportunity to use the stronger, durable metal to build a weapon far greater than anything in the history of Japan. The blacksmith was pretty dramatic about creating a sword that would be able to cut the gods. All Naruto wanted was a weapon that could withstand everything that he puts it through.

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