New Feelings-Evolved Powers

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Jon Stewart and Hal Jordan fly through space heading towards an unknown object. A large ship is approaching Earth and the two lanterns were sent to intercept the spaceship. Following from a safe distance is the Bat Jet. Jon Stewart speaks in a loud, commanding tone gained from serving several years with the marines. "You are entering Earth space," states Jon. "Deactivate all your weapons and surrender or we will be forced to take extreme action." No response comes from the ship. One of the red bubbles shaped designs on the ship begins to glow before launching a red beam at the two Lanterns. Both put up shields to protect them from the beam, but it doesn't help as the two are disintegrated in a matter of seconds.

Batman reacts in an instant not bothering to mourn the death of the two Lanterns. "Deploy," he hits a button opening a hatch in the black jet. Superman, Captain Marvel, Captain Atom, and Martian Manhunter fly out of the hatch. The alien ship opens fire causing the four heroes to split into two groups. A third beam disintegrates Captain Marvel and Captain Atom. A couple seconds later Martian Manhunter and Superman are disintegrated as well. Batman quickly ejects as enemy fire strikes the Bat Jet destroying it in a single shot. His eyes widen as a small enemy ship is soon upon him and he has no way to escape. The small alien ship doesn't hesitate to destroy the last of the heroes that went to confront them.

Mount Justice

Zatara appears on the monitor. "Red Tornado..."

"We saw," says Tornado.

"This is a full League response, we need you out here immediately," orders Zatara. The image of the magician vanishes. Tornado turns to face the team.

"Should the Justice League fail, you all will be the planet's last line of defense."

Aqualad's eyes harden. "We stand ready." Red Tornado heads towards the Zeta Tubes vanishing in a flash of light.

Naruto watches the screen with a curious expression. This is an interesting training exercise. He has never experienced a psychic training simulation. It almost feels real. A bit on the cliché side though with the Earth being attacked by aliens and wiping out the strongest beings in the world in a single stroke. Oh well, he was curious to see how the simulation played out.

The team watched as heroes around the world desperately fought against the aliens. One by one the aliens used their disintegration to destroy cities, kill thousands of people, and wipe out the entire Justice League. Red Tornado was the last of the Justice League to fall to the aliens. "We are Earth's heroes now," says Aqualad.

"So what are we waiting for? A theme song?" says Superboy ready to fight.

"No, a plan of action." Aqualad gains a sudden plan. "Robin pull up a map showing where the alien invaders are attacking."

Robin pulls up a map of the world. The red area shows areas in the world that were under attack by the alien invaders. "Those are all the areas that the aliens are attacking."

Superboy notices a single dot far up in Antarctica. "Did that one get lost?"

"No, it is at Superman's Fortress of Solitude!"

"Superman has a Fortress of Solitude!?" Superboy's eyes widen in surprise.

Megan reaches out, but he turns away. "Connor..."

"No it is fine. I guess that is...was a lot I didn't know about him and never will now."

Robin interrupts their conversation. "The alien must have been attracted to the power source. If we can capture it..."

"We can dismantle it, adapt its weapons, and build our own to fight back against those ugly aliens," smirks Kid.

Artemis elbows Kid in the side. "Martian and Kyrptonian in the house."

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