Church of Blood

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"My lord, we have found the child."

A deep, dark laughter fills the chambers. It is filled with a joy that promises destruction and death. "So she has finally come out of hiding." His eyes glow red unable to contain his excitement. "Bring my future wife to me."


Naruto places the kunai back into his pouch. "Sorry, I have previous plans."

Raven displays no emotion. "I am afraid that if my father is not stopped your entire world will be destroyed."

"If he is so powerful why come to me? The Justice League..."

"I went to them first," admits Raven. "Like you, they chose not to trust me due to my patronage. Once I failed to convince them, I decided to seek out other heroes with the power to help me. I cannot defeat him on my own."

The ninja is unable to sense any deception. But magic is a power that he understands very little. He can sense that she is strong in magic, perhaps even on the same level as Zatara. Judging by her power and lack of emotions, it is possible she is able to disguise her emotions even from his ability. "I work for the Justice League. If they are not willing to help than I will have to..."

A rise in killing intent causes Naruto and Raven to tense. Multiple individuals in black robes with crimson lining start to clamber onto the roof. There are fifteen in total that surrounds the two. In unison, the cloaked individuals begin to chant. "The Church of Blood," states Raven. A mystic rune forms under Raven and Naruto. It rises up into a mystical cage that starts to shrink.

"Who are they?" asks Naruto.

Raven is almost unable to contain her emotions. She turns to face the young hero. Naruto stands with a bored expression on his face. He is not even the least bit concerned as the cage continues to shrink. His eyes glance at her waiting for an answer. "The Church of Blood is a cult that worships Trigon. It is their goal to resurrect my father," explains Raven.

"Do not worry, we have no desire to kill the daughter of Trigon. Our Lord wishes to take you as his bride. Once you two are wed, he will have you sire a child of untold power," states one of the cloaked individuals.

"I will not be used to create more evil!" Raven begins to chant. "Azaroth Metrion Zinthos!" She thrusts her arms forward expelling a wave of black magic. The magic slams into the side of the cage. It stops the cage from shrinking for a second. The black magic is unable to destroy the mystical cage and vanishes. "The magic is too strong."

Naruto flashes through handseals. "Futon: Daitoppa!" A clap of the hands creates powerful gale force winds. The winds blow outward from the ninja. Members of the Church of Blood try to stand their ground but are blown backward interrupting their chant. The runic circle begins to vanish along with the mystic cage.

"Get up! Capture her!"

Raven rises high into the air. A wave of the hand launches several balls of black magic. Screams of pain come from several cult members. Naruto turns to see three cult members gathering various balls of elemental magic. He flicks his wrist releasing multiple shuriken that impales the cult members.

Together, Naruto and Raven begin to take out the cult members. The leader of the group watches as his fellow worshippers are taken down. None of them are strong enough to stand up to the two young wannabe heroes. A smirk appears on his face. Clasping his hands together, he begins to chant in an ancient tongue.

"Azaroth Metrion Zinthos," chants Raven. A wave of black magic blasts the cult members off the roof of the building. She senses a rise in dark magical power. Spinning around, she turns to see one of the cult members chanting in an ancient demonic tongue. "No!" Raven gathers her magic and launches a wave of black magic at the cultist. A roaring inferno rises up blocking the magic. The inferno surrounds the cultist.

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