Team Problems

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'Kurama......please be quiet.'

Naruto wakes up with an annoyed expression. Kurama was yelling his head off about how he was knocked out with a weak attack. It is a good thing that the demon had lighten up over the years they've been together. He sits up glancing around to see hills of sand in every direction. A sigh escapes the ninja. Fighting in the sand is so annoying. The stupid stuff gets everywhere and he has to be careful to not get any in his eyes. Afterward it takes him days to get all the sand out of his clothes. Rolling his neck, he stands up and begins to stretch out his limbs. Judging from the position of the sun he has been out for the past seven hours.

The mission had started off simple enough. A simple recon mission. The team was sent to Bialya to investigate a strange energy signal that popped up a few days ago. It was a large energy source that the Watchtower detected it but was unable to identify. Batman assigned them a mission to locate the energy source and find out as much information on it as possible. Putting the bio-ship in camouflage mode, it was too easy to sneak into the isolated country. Absolute radio silence was ordered so upon landing in the county Miss Martian sent up a mental link. This allowed everyone to communicate with each other via telepathy. It was that telepathy that was used against the team. Miss Martian was sent on ahead to infiltrate the enemy's camp. Next thing Naruto knows a foreign mental presence hacks the mental connection. If not for growing up with Kurama he would have never been able to sense the foreign presence. The moment he sensed the foreign presence he used his chakra to send a shock to his brain breaking the mental connection. Unfortunately, it backfired on him causing his body to go into shock and shut down. A good thing he didn't fall into a coma and wake up months later.

The ninja double checks all his gear. Naruto unsheathes his sword. This is the first time he will be using the weapon on the mission. He pulls up a mask in order to prevent sand from blowing into his mouth. Nothing worse than sand on the tongue. It is one of the reasons he stayed away from the Land of Wind. Sand is nice when on a beach, but annoying during a mission. 'Complete the mission or hunt for my teammates?' wonders Naruto.

Chances are that the entire team is in danger. Naruto doesn't know what the foreign presence wanted, but chances are it wasn't anything good. Not to brag he is sure that he was the only one that escaped the mental attack. That being said, if the team was captured than it was up to him to complete the mission. Everyone on the team knows the risk of being on the team. These missions are not kid games. Death is a possibility on every mission. If one is not prepared to die than one doesn't need to be coming on the missions. A ninja knows this from day one.


A smirks is hidden behind the mask. Kurama always hated when he wasted time overthinking matters. Kurama was a more fight now ask questions later. He didn't know what he would without the demon. 'I will complete the mission, you damn fox. I'll make my way to the camp,' decides Naruto. Channeling chakra to his feet, he runs across the sand not leaving a single footprint.


Kid slides to a stop. "I can't go any further." Artemis climbs out of his arms.

"Thanks," she says. It looks like he was telling the truth about being Kid Flash despite the change in uniform. Only Kid Flash could move at such speeds. She has to admit that the black uniform looks much better than a bright yellow and red one that he always wears.

"No problem," smirks Kid. Kid lifts up his arm popping open his secret stash. His eyes widen upon seeing it is empty. "It must be over twenty-four hours or my stash wouldn't be empty." Stash may be empty but at least he is with a hot girl. The blonde girl may have a Green Arrow fixation, but she is hot.

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