Makeup and Breakups

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A car sailed through the air smashing down in the middle of the street a hundred feet away. People scream and run in terror at the resulting explosion. Gunshots fill the air as the Tokyo police try to put down the monster responsible. Bullets bounce harmlessly off the monster's skin. He picks up another car tossing it at the police causing them to scatter like roaches when the light is turned on. Another explosion fills the street. "Grundy not like being shot at. Grundy destroy everything!" roars the undead monster.

Naruto lands a nearby roof watching the scene unfold. The attack started five minutes ago. Grundy randomly showed up and started to attack everything in sight like a mindless beast. Naruto doesn't know much about the super villain, but something tells him that this Grundy was sent here for other reasons than to cause random destruction. It looks like someone or a group of people are interested in learning more about his abilities.

Ever since the peace summit in Taipei when the world learned of a young hero with no identity, the crime rate that had been dropping in Tokyo had risen by at least 10 percent. Bank robberies and Yakuza attacks on random civilians have been rising. He has been working overtime for the past two weeks helping out the local police in trying to stop the crime. Naruto isn't an idiot. Already he deduced that the League of Shadows must have a hand in this. No doubt the wannabe ninja league was upset that he turned down their offer and humiliated their assassins at the peace summit. This is some form of revenge. And now that the small fries have failed the big guns so to speak are stepping up to bat. On the plus side he hasn't had a dull moment in a couple weeks. All this crime has given him plenty of time to train and increase his skills. Experience is experience even if the battle only lasts a couple seconds. There is also the fact that the people of Tokyo are more grateful than ever about his presence even if he is indirectly the cause of some of this new crime wave.

'Super strength, invulnerability, all too familiar,' thinks Naruto. Grundy is a hulking giant at ten feet tall with pale white decaying skin, blood shot red eyes, and a body that puts body builders to shame. The super villain is a walking mountain of muscle. Still, Naruto has experience dealing with super powered individuals. His hands are already flashing through seals as he leaps from the roof.

"Wind Release: Drilling Air Bullet," Naruto sucks in a deep breath making his stomach expand four times its size. Taking aim, he punches his stomach spitting out a ball of concentrated wind about half his size. It flies at high speeds towards the giant. The ball of wind slams into Grundy's back drilling straight into the monster's dense skin. A roar of pain comes from Grundy as he smashes face first into the street. The ball of wind continues to drill Grundy into the street causing a large crater as it explodes.

Naruto lands on top of car. He waits patiently. "Grundy not like pain! Grundy kill you!" Out of the crater emerges Grundy. Grundy's entire back has been ripped to shreds. Slowly the skin is starting to knit back together.

'High level of regeneration that complicates matters.'

Grundy spins around to glare at Naruto. The supper villain leaps at Naruto. Naruto easily dodges the attack and is reminded of his battle with Mammoth. Mammoth was the super powered individual that Cobra enhanced with a combination of Venom and Blockbuster formula. He had used the Sharingan to take down the monster in order to avoid a long battle that would tear up the island. Sharingan has the ability to hypnotize those that it makes direct eye contact with. A simple minded beast like Mammoth that is all brain and no muscle was easy prey for the Sharingan. Naruto ducks under a thrown car. Unfortunately, too many people are watching making it near impossible to find a moment to use the Sharingan. He wants to keep that ability a secret for as long as possible. Poisoned kunai and shuriken?

Grundy throws a punch that strikes air. Naruto reappears behind Grundy with a shake of the head. With such a high level of regeneration poison will slow Grundy down, but only for a few seconds. Slowing down a tank doesn't make the metal any less strong. No he needs to find a way to harm the beast that will take it out.

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