Violent Delights

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How often has a girl compared herself to a mass shooting? Not blood on concrete with splattered canisters of used to be heads / 19 year old white boy with antisocial disorder and a lone wolf mentality hung around his neck like the scarf holding artillery of an AK-15 / news reporters saying, "holy shit this doesn't happen in good neighborhoods," / a #thoughts&prayers rally the nra funds while handing out free semiautomatic machines to fire&stone blooded youth.

How often has a girl compared herself to a mass shooting where she is no victim no shooter just a passerby? No bullet holed wounds with the fine print of the 2nd amendment / no political propaganda with left or right tattooed on her arms / all girl / all American Dream gone wrong / all tragedy.

I'm too opinionated they say. I hold no bullets but my picket sign has everyone losing their stomachs. No gun no gun no gun just girl just girl just girl with hands holding a silence only the dead can understand.

I am not the after effect nor the middle of chaos. I am the realization we are a mass shooting in the making. I am the protestor with no idea what PTSD is / the ally with no experience and accused of resisting offense / I am the viewers watching with shaking heads.

How often can I be compared to a mass shooting? A girl no more bulletproof than kindergarteners with finger paint on smeared canvases / no more prepared to fight than to learn to live / afraid to love when I've been taught no one is victimless / that -

We all hold guns pointed at one another -

mine might be pointed at you

Kallibmatic and vangohs for making me finally hit the "publish" button. hopefully this doesn't disappoint

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