a baby is held in a young wife's arms and she is pale and small her hair is dark black midnight n o t h i n g
her eyes are doe wide and paralyzed windows of a breaking love and crushed wedding ring
d u s t
embedded in her are the workings of a goodbye an apology an ending of a beginning
r e g r e t
so when she grows sowing apples shaped as hearts thrumming in her palms, their pulsing the vibrations of a heart beat as it is
s a t r d
h t e e
so when she holds crossroads like crucifixes and arrows pointing to her eyes like frightened bright eyed prey before the predator rips the jugular into
p i e c e s
remember she was once a baby held in pink, hours old, when she lay resting her ear on her mother's heart and heard it
C r A c K
as her father looked at her and whispered, "what is love? i'm sorry to admit loving you has always been an afterthought - a question - i don't know if i ever loved you. i don't know if i ever will."
s i l e n c e
went their hearts
"w h y"
is whispered as a pale darkness enveloped everyone the day i was bornteenaches for being the aphrodite of wattpad

Poesieyou once asked why i never felt good enough to love you, this is why All rights reserved ©️2018 immortalitatis- cover by the lovely @hurtcopain