por lo que no se dice pero se siento / "for what is not said but is felt"
there is an ineffable feeling that crawls into my stomach when i see you, almost as if you held all the power in the world to crush me with a glance, and perhaps you do, you look at me and i see nothing but evanascent tingling in my bones that makes looking at you and away conflate till you are a mirage of sunlit backdrops and shadowed silhouette, an evocative felicity tumbles passed my stomach up to my throat and oh i wish i could touch your hand, imbue this lagniappe of emotion that bombinates around my heart and makes my fingertips sing and sting and crave you, i unravel before you in this listless summery weather, my spine stairs for you to tread upon, my hair rope for you to cling to, and this tintinnabulation in my heart gambols as you move. i am enraptured by your face and voice with its halcyon beguiling air, you stand as a cynosure that lulls me into a world where my fingers graze gossamer but would trade all silk for your fugacious company, if only you could sense how the words are at my mouth. i would move the sky for your epiphany but perhaps this is what should be, i am yours in all capacities that you will have me. yet what i would give for you to know this silence is murderous to me.
@SLNFLOWER for making some goddamn gorgeous poetry and being such a sweetheart.

Poetryyou once asked why i never felt good enough to love you, this is why All rights reserved ©️2018 immortalitatis- cover by the lovely @hurtcopain