For Kallibmatic BL00DW00D skytaints HYUNGWOES MELTINGSUNS kryptoning OVERRIPENED FlowersAndBTS meiflowers_ poetadventurer the angels of my small universe
Not all heartbreak will be romantic, that doesn't make it less worthy to grieve
Some days you will wake up fearing the longevity of life - it is okay to be afraid
There will be mornings when you will curl in upon yourself a [hollow] scared mess trembling from the alertness of the light. On those days pick a color to paint the light and walk in the shadow of its hue.
The brain is marvelous in its complex [fear-] inducing tricks but don't forget every magician's secret is eventually unveiled
You are allowed to cry
You are also allowed to scream bloody murder in every shade of blood red possible
Do [not] built your worth on the validation you seek in others
When you feel the days in an hour and minutes in seconds, take life one step at a time - every small goal is worth celebrating
[Your] fingers and legs will mark you a flight risk even as your mind screams for you to fight
You can be disappointed in those you love
People will not always stay and sometimes their silhouette will be imprinted in your memory long after you've forgotten their voice
Being [heart]broken does not make you weak, it makes you human
Learning to love yourself is botany - there will always be a new discovery awaiting in the wilderness of your being
- now read the brackets only
Poetryyou once asked why i never felt good enough to love you, this is why All rights reserved ©️2018 immortalitatis- cover by the lovely @hurtcopain