You are the perfect combination between
"I love you" & "I love good nights"
You are the "I love nights"
The "I love"
The "I nights"
The "I you"
But never the good
- no never good -ii.
You are the love in darkness with passion swallowed and crushed like pomegranate seeds
You are the love in needing to define the noun and the proper noun till meaning is lost in the counterfeit that is an ever changing grammar
You are never good at wanting me until after the earthquake when the ground is stable and my legs are bruised but my heart is raw
You don't know how to want me in the pockets of your lungsiii.
The truth is I need you to breathe
You love making me gasp
And when you tell me there is only one good
I whisper I love you into the abyss of your earth shattering eyes
I feel the tremors of your final earthquake start at my hands
And you whisper "the only good there is..."
and my heart is turning into pieces and pieces of gravel and lead and please baby don't go I love you
And you just don't fucking care goddamnit
"The only good I love is in goodbyes"iv.
You are the perfect combination of what not to love and what I chose to love
And now I s h a t t e r
for your g o o dearthquakes
romanticismskiss whose inspirational book has made me want to write again when I felt I might've hit writer's block. She's a force to be reckoned with. I hope this does even a smidge of what your poetry does to me hon!

Poetryyou once asked why i never felt good enough to love you, this is why All rights reserved ©️2018 immortalitatis- cover by the lovely @hurtcopain