I keep wishing on stars / no - I keep spooning them / shoving bowls of dying celestial beings down my throat / guzzling them down afraid they will take flight and ricochet passed my teeth / back into the great expansive unknown / so I swallow and swallow till I am gas and dust / kiss off the illuminated brilliance from my cheeks and hands / shake the vibrating of decaying space angels from my fingertips / glide myself into place among the cosmos / i keep hoping one day I will see the little girl I used to be / and not this dying luminous woman with black holes for eyes and nebulae for hair / gorging on dwarf red planets till she turns azure And fades away too.
For moonlitshowers because reading your poetry has reminded me to love poetry, your writing is a godsend

Poetryyou once asked why i never felt good enough to love you, this is why All rights reserved ©️2018 immortalitatis- cover by the lovely @hurtcopain