She keeps telling me that I am nothing but a love killer a soul killer a heartbreaker a heart thief
Down my throat there are ticking time bombs enfolded in words she whispers to me at night
She keeps telling me loving me is a secret she will keep in her empty stomach - with my face as her dream she will eat my memory to gain vitality
Behind the glass of a mirror there are blue eyes of a girl turned fallen angel turned broken angry human that shoots love colored toxic into my lungs
She keeps telling me I am a lifeline a heartbeat a breath stabilizer
And I am a carcass she picks when she needs love she is a corpse I pick when I need love we are dead bodies and vultures
I tell her we are scavengers we decompose we evaporate
She keeps telling me I don't deserve to know a love not based in hurting
I tell her not to worry, hurting dead bodies remains my specialitybeautifullinblu for being such a sweetheart and inspiration

Poetryyou once asked why i never felt good enough to love you, this is why All rights reserved ©️2018 immortalitatis- cover by the lovely @hurtcopain