why don't we just get this over with: put your canker sore filled mouth on mine / bleed into me stars from a galaxy buried in the dipped hollows of your clavicle / beam lights flooded in through dying stars along the blue hued saccharine clementines you taste of : liquify this solar system of thunder-stormed havoc along the veins of my lips / echo in me the sounds of zero gravity falls / remind me why this is an odyssey we have quit time and time again / take my small hand in yours and lead me through the Milky Way of our dented hearts / I can feel the stinging in the brushes of sunbeam goodbyes loitering the flecked sky like eye sores / leaving me aching : this momentum that cannot be kept as we hurdle - you to the stars and I to the moon / as you dip your fingers into the glittering heat of ice cold comets I can see what destruction lies before us / as i the moon's Artemis watch the galaxy's Icarus ascend to beyond reach / maybe this is why Icarus had to fall : how else could the sun have kept him in his luminous rays? / how else is it possible to watch you fade as your lingering kisses fill my lips with blisters / oh love : space has no heat but from my vantage point of empty-hand and bruised lips I can see it all / and from here I swear to you by your celestial wings - I can see that Neptune burns
To kryptoned May the stars never lead you away from the warmth of the sun

Poetryyou once asked why i never felt good enough to love you, this is why All rights reserved ©️2018 immortalitatis- cover by the lovely @hurtcopain