Right now there are brown eyes staring into black abysses of cold cement / no warmth no warmth no hugs / where is mommy?
Right now there are brown arms too thin flinging themselves into bone-wearied skin / so hard so hard so tired / why is mommy so cold?
Right now there is brown dirt sticking to dried cut feet slapping against echoing cages / too gray too gray too heavy / when is mommy coming back?
Right now there are brown hands hitting hitting white walls that don't budge as tears hit floors / why me why me why now / mommy, are you there?
Right now there are brown babies in brown bellies kicking a storm so loud they rumble the ancient drums of dead civilizations pleading / more time more time more rain / mamá, let yourself cry.
Right now brown is beautiful when across an invisible line made in the dusty dirt of stolen land / how long how long how much / mom, let's go home.
Right now brown bodies are not wanted not cared for not loved / not legal not legal not human/ ¿mamá porque no somos bastante?
Right now brown is no color it is painted on lines across irises of babies growing up to hate / anything dark anything white anything foreign / mommy, we can cry together - the sky hasn't rained since we left our tierra
Right now there is brown coloring our world and we focus on our hearts breaking and I am sorry for crying over my feelings when the world is making families be defined by whom was born where / now I cry for them now I cry for me now we cry for each other / mommy, I am learning that home is in nuestros cuerpos no en la tierra que caminamos
Right now a pair of brown eyes are looking into yours and you think of the cages they might have touched / not now not here not ever / mommy, what makes someone human? because he is so beautiful why is it wrong for him to build a home where i am

Poetryyou once asked why i never felt good enough to love you, this is why All rights reserved ©️2018 immortalitatis- cover by the lovely @hurtcopain