i breathe in kryptonite in the vessels of your skin . scar you in a multitude of harmonious pieces of heartbreak . beat into you the soul of the wicked undefined masses . clasp onto your dying breaths as i hear the echo of a hollow ribcage explode from behind the slab of skin you call a chest . feel the kiss marks in a serpentine pattern that mimics hips colliding and lips parting . weak-kneed and perspiring you collapse as a bone heap at my feet . i breathe you in and can feel the rhythm of your heart against my hand . i can remember what the feeling of having a cosmos come to life behind my eyelids tastes like - it is the forbidden taste of stars mixed with blueberry nebulae and blackberry black holes . i yearn to fall onto my knees to see for myself if you are breathing . if you can see what it feels like to be surrounded and want nothing more than to stop time to feel the earth in orbit . to integrate footfalls with heartbreaks and never mend what was meant to never be broken or whole . you breathe in with the muscle of moving lungs and grasp at my hips till the bone is pulverized and i sink . you demand i echo into you what it feels to have torn tapestries of memories till they fall into clumps of wet paper murky with mascara tears and lipstick smears . push the glory of what falling is - how it felt to fall . i beg to push tendon snapped fingers into your bone marrow to feel yourself ache from inside out - beating to the hum of an adrenaline fueled matter . to crush shrapnel into capillaries and clot wounds with fallen stars .
when you see the constellations think of what it is like to fall . it is being pinned to a place in space and shifting horizons but never resolve - imprinting a shadow on the night sky that fits your silhouette alone . attempting to free yourself from being fashioned into some other being - escaping with the blindness granted the moon from the sun . falling is this gravitational pull i have felt in my veins since you tried to pluck me from the heavens .
(i have been
ever since) .
to @STARBOYZ whose poetry is out of this world and should be admired for the work of art it is

Poetryyou once asked why i never felt good enough to love you, this is why All rights reserved ©️2018 immortalitatis- cover by the lovely @hurtcopain