there is no perfect love

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sometimes i have to remember loving someone does not mean they are faultless / does not mean they do not have bitterness swallowed under their tongue clawing up their throat / does not mean they do not have skeletons piled in the graveyards of their irises / does not mean they are immune to being enticed by blind blood marred rage / it has always meant understanding a person is no more yours in love than they are in physicality / there are hamartias loitered around like scattered pigeon feathers / you can love someone while realizing there will always be fragments they withhold from your world / i'm learning to see you in-between the negatives and positives of this ever changing lens / i'm sorry i held you upon a marble pedestal of iridescent ivory when we were meant to balance along this crumpled blackened foundation as equals / if i could do this all over, i'd try to douse us in a hue of gray so we can never fade amongst the blurred lines of the toxicity that enriched perfected [faulted] love saturates / i'd learn to love you in muted shades before coloring you in golden armor

For the magnificently talented WINEKTH whose poetry will hang in the stars someday

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