Before you hurt me tell me you love me so that I learn not to fear love but to fear what love makes of people
And when you rest your open palm against my throat, kiss the side of my neck so I can be breathless with ecstasy so clouded I forget the ache of bruising air pipes
Just cut me with your fingernails, won't you?
Carve into me your name, let everyone know who broke my heart and claims it proud
But before any of that, tell me you love me.
One day I might be able to see love and hold it without the fear of being toyed into pliable flesh, one day I might not love you
But I need this love to hurt me first.
One day I will move on from this and your name can be stitched under the folds of my heart, one day you will be a bruise I forgot how I got.
And you will always be an ache but I've survived being broken before and loving you is loving a broken wrist and black eyed future - knowing you are not the only definition of love is understanding I need to hurt but I can hurt without letting you stay.
Poetryyou once asked why i never felt good enough to love you, this is why All rights reserved ©️2018 immortalitatis- cover by the lovely @hurtcopain