marianna's trench

191 23 7

bubblegum sugar kisses are being rained across the dips on my collarbones & you keep telling me how drowning in my eyes is falling into the sky & you keep touching my hips & the way there is raises hipbone against legging & compare bones to bleached irises how can you see any depth without feeling the crushing of powdered want littering the insides of a wanted body & you keep checking your phone the screen so bright my mind sees blues reds whites & your face is a blur of thumbs pressing the end call & you ask why drowning never feels natural when it's all the ocean has to offer & there is spearmint in your mouth on your tongue it is stinging my taste buds leaving my mouth a pair of cracked lips with a dead muscle inside & you keep repeating bubblegum sugar kisses are being rained on across the dips of my collarbones & asphyxiation is making my bones go rigor mortis making my fingers feral raven claws digging into maggot flesh & there is no way not to drown when your body becomes the dumping ground for wasted potential littering its insides with cheap cologne from your aftershave & you keep answering then ending her calls while splaying your spidery fingers across my ribcage & you keep whispering that even an ocean drained holds the power to drown a person who makes water out of sand & you are drowning in my collarbone tears gasping that my bones are miniature carcasses loitering around an empty ocean floor & you have just gone off the deep end

Dedicated to kryptoned Aurelia I have never met anyone who holds so much sunshine in them. You are light years away and simultaneously a refraction of the light of an undiscovered star. You make me less afraid to fall into this undiscovered land of dirt and stars

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