unwind me in petals of loneliness
I give you take
We can call it an affair of loveless love
Pile me high with words of whispered caresses
Watch as i feed them to the cavern in my chest
watch as I wilt the petals but cling to them
unripened and dying my armor clings to meunwrap me in a silence of a new dawn
You take I give
We can call it the end of the era of broken trust
Launch kisses of mass destruction down my naked back
Watch as I delve into my skin and melt them
watch as I weld them into a sword
uncovered and undenied my fingernails scratch at the ground to keep you awayundo me in this sullenness of wanting carnage covered promises
We give we take
Shatter prisms of strawberry champagne on table tops strewn with photographs
Watch as we clammer to set the world on fire
watch as we forgive to forget and burn brighter than the mass heartache we collect in the caverns of our chests
unintended and inconsequential our love holds a bridge between b r e a k i n g and h e a l i n gunderneath it all I hope you heal
I hope someday we can learn to healdulcetbones because I know she has a lot of stress on her and this is my own agnostic way of praying for her sweet soul to pass all her exams with flying colors

Poetryyou once asked why i never felt good enough to love you, this is why All rights reserved ©️2018 immortalitatis- cover by the lovely @hurtcopain