when you lay down beside me under sheets of scratchy cotton i don't want to compare your skin to clouds - because your chest rises and falls and it gasps when i trace where your heart is / your skin is smooth like satin pulled tightly over muscle but it has crosshatched lines running invisible underneath / and in my favorite dreams when i stay, i don't compare you to a cloud -because when i press my hand onto your sternum you are solid with bone made of sequoia tree bark and humming bird veins. you are no cloud, you are not what my mother warned me about. she said all men evaporate but if i were to try to cup pieces of you - you would pull a piece of me because you like to compare me to the wind i am always leaving but if i stay long enough to erode - i take a piece of you with me [i promise to keep it forever]

Poetryyou once asked why i never felt good enough to love you, this is why All rights reserved ©️2018 immortalitatis- cover by the lovely @hurtcopain