pulverized feathers, clutter into open masses of black smog. run amuck along five year old fingers sweetened with strawberry juice. huffs of breath sound like dragon roars and she is so afraid the scaled being will burn down her hiding place. curled in on herself the ivory black ink of macabre sliced nightmares fly around her - waiting for her to shed a tear. one tear, they beg her, one small droplet will relinquish you of this. but she is unable to move. instead she hears her mother crying on the bathroom floor - sees the halo she had lovingly crafted in rose gold and ruby molted roses on the floor where waxing tears shine translucent honey milk.
no one ever told her god left mother mary ruined on a haystack with crinkled eyes shadowed by holy scripture woven into her veins
kissed her twice - once for laying with an over-ripened peach between her thighs and it's leftover juices staining her mouth
twice for good luck on a womb torn by a man deemed divine enough to pull seed inside her and clog her battle cry with sweet peach juicebottomless ache reverberated and fissures emerged in prickled thorns along the spine of her baby -
cries are echoing as her mother and mother mary fold into one another from her vantage point and consume the dragon in loose tears of repentance for wanting for lovingthe wingless body of a mother goddess crying tearing shredding along the bathroom floor as her child waits for a father god that only comes at night - bearing sweets and closed mouth kisses. carrying weeds of makeshift love and mint to mask cheap wine and red tinted lipgloss. cocooning mother mary in a cycle of forgive repent repeat
the murmuring begins when the child picks the bent halo off the ground, "hail mary, full of grace the lord is with thee..."
and mary is preparing to fall
nfor daintyviolet and her magical way with words

Poetryyou once asked why i never felt good enough to love you, this is why All rights reserved ©️2018 immortalitatis- cover by the lovely @hurtcopain