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I hadn't understood my mother's need to meet Alex so badly but I had no choice to bring it up. Alex was one of the workers at spa.

Great with his hands, I came in for a massage every 2 weeks. 1 hour of my time worth the 75 dollars.

"So as I was leaving my house today my mother cornered me." I said as he raised a eyebrow.

"Because." He asked as I sat up on the table.

Fully naked as I held the sheets to my body.

"Well, it would appear that my mother wants to meet you." I said "She's requesting you come to dinner tonight."

"Why does you mom want to meet me." He asked "I'm nobody."

"Not to her." I said as I began to pull on my clothes. Not much paying when I stood up half naked.

"Now is your mom the kind of person who gives you a choice." He asked "Cause I have a great excuse in my head ready."

"I can try it." I offered "But my mom is very stubborn."

"Right." He said "Just tell your mom that I have a dinner date with my mom tonight."

"It's very important." He added "Must Attend no questions asked."

"I'll see if it works." I said as I grabbed my jeans. Pulling them over my legs as he nodded.

He didn't look at me pretty much exposed to him. Me and Alex had a weird history. We had meet here and he helped home one night drunk.

Then we somehow ended up having sex and here we were. I grabbed my purse after I pulled my shirt on.

Pulling out the tip I put in an envelope before I came here every time.

"Have a nice day Alex." I said as he smiled.

"You too Gabby." He said.

"I can say this though, my mother usually gets what she wants. You can't avoid her forever." I said.

"Noted." He said "I'll change my name later."

I rolled my eyes as I went to pay for the massage.

"So we'll see you in two weeks." The hostess said.

"You too, have a nice day." I said as she smiled and I went towards the door.

"That girl must be rich." I heard her say as I stopped to answer a text.

"She is a Blake isn't she." Alex said as I took slower steps towards the door.

Reaching in my bag for my sunglasses.

"You know that purse is like 2 grand alone." She said softly to him.

"Her shoes are 500." He said "I asked once."

"Damn." She said as i found my sunglasses my phone ringing.

"She is something else." The girl added.

"That's one way to put it." Alex said "Who's next."

"Hello Cousin." I said.

"Gabby." Abigail answered "Your massage done."

"Yes, you need something." I asked.

"Some of that Blake magic." She said "You down."

"Of course I'm down, I'm on my way now." I said as I hung up. I ran into the owner.

"Gabby." She smiled.

"Hello." I smiled "How are you."

"I'm great, how are your parents." She asked.

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