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"You've brought food." Alex noted as I smiled.

"I skipped breakfast." I said as I took a drink of the orange juice.

"I see that." He said.

"I got you a sandwich." I said as he went in the bag.

"I skipped breakfast too." He said.

"That's why I got it." I said as he took a bite.

"Much appreciated." He said.

I hummed as I ate the sandwich I had gotten for myself.

"That's why you paid for a hour and a half." He said.

"Figured we could eat first." I said as he nodded.

After we ate I took off my clothes actually. I sat in my underwear for a while.

I think at this point we were just used to it. Talking like normal as he did whatever he did that worked. Until he was done and I went to get dressed.

"Your Smart you know." He said "Bringing food."

"It cost me an extra 25 bucks for that." I said.

"Then the food cost as well." I said.

He rolled his eyes as he went into his pocket and gave me a 20.

"For the food." He said.

"You don't have to do that." I said.

"You didn't have to bring me food." He said "I don't mind."

He smiled as he pressed a kiss on my mouth and I relaxed.

"You know this is against the rules." I said.

"Maybe I think your worth breaking the rules." He said.

"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." I said.

"Thanks babe." He said.

I smiled at him as I kissed him again and he pulled me into his arms. His arms around my torso.

"You changed your piercing." He noted.

"I did." I said.

"I like it." He said "You should go."

"I'll miss you." I said.

"I will miss you too." He said "Get out of here."

I smiled at him briefly as I kissed his mouth quickly.

"You coming to my place." I asked.

"Aren't I always." He said as he smiled at me.

"Great." I said "I'll see you at my place."

"You will." He said pecking my lips as he separated from me.

I took my purse from him as he handed me car keys.

"Fine, I know where I'm not wanted." I said.

"I'll miss you too." He said as he smiled at me.

"Yeah yeah, have side chicks that need your hands now." I said back.

"Whatever." He said "My only side chicks are your other personalities."

"I can be anyone you want." I said "What side chick do you want."

"I can be the crazy angry, way to possessive." I said "You just tell me who I need to be."

He rolled his eyes.

The Girl Behind The MoneyWhere stories live. Discover now