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"Look." I was cornered by Alex's Mom as I was going to leave.

"Yes." I asked.

"We both know what you are." She said "And that means you know what Alex is."

"I don't know what your talking about." I asked "Alex is just normal right."

As it turned out Alex came from a long line of powers. Much different then mine. Alex possessed the ability of mind control, with a few added things.

"Don't play stupid Gabby." She said.

"I actually don't know what your-" I didn't get to finish as she put something in my neck.

It was a very lethal dose of some drug as it killed me.

"Gabby." Lucifer said as I arrived in Hell.

"Satan." I said "Jamaican."

"Taking souls and all." He said "Your going to have some problems."

"Bitch killed me." I said "She draining me."

"Nope, doing dishes." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"How is she." I asked.

"Great." He said "I'm sending you back now."

"Could you please." I asked.

He smiled as I gasped waking up in my body.

"10 minutes." She noted "Good time."

I glared as I got up and cracked my back.

"Look." I said "Kill me again and you won't live."

"What would Alex think." She asked.

"Exactly, what you Alex think when I tell him you've lied to him his whole life." I said "Denied him his powers and killed his girlfriend."

"You wouldn't dare." She said.

"Try me." I said "We both know what that spiral means."

"It's for the best." She said "You won't tell him."

"I've done one better Vanessa." I said "I've given him a spell to reverse whatever you did."

"What." She said.

"2 days ago, I can sense the power stirring inside him." I said "But you can't stop it now."

"You would never, You know what it took to make those dormant." She asked.

"Oh I'm sure a lot." I said "But you should know. I already told Alex the truth. I gave him the option to take it."

"He accepted." I said.

"You has no right." She said.

"No mom." Alex said "You had no right."

"Alex." She said.

"Are you okay." He asked me.

"I'm fine." I said.

"It's what's best for you, these powers are dangerous." She said.

"Anymore dangerous then you lying to me." He asked "Let's compare."

"Look." She tried to explain.

"I don't know what she's told you but it's wrong." She said.

"It's not wrong." Alex said "It's what she knew, at least she told me."

"She doesn't know anything." She said "It's our family."

"I know what the books say." I said "It doesn't mean I know the legends but still."

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