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It was a little sad to say how easily I returned to my faithful massage appointments.

Alex was all happy about that as he could return to his usual.

"Gabby." He said as I didn't look up.

I hadn't much forgave him all the way yet but my anger wasn't nearly as bad. I had given in slowly to his advances. He enjoyed it pretty much over my house every day.

"How are you today." He asked as I shrugged.

"I'm fine." I said as he nodded.

"Good, would you like to talk about your last two weeks." He asked me as I didn't answer.

He still made conversation as he moved down my back. I hadn't really been stressed much because he had been doing the same things at home.

"We have a new hot rock treatment if you'd like to try it." He offered as I shrugged.

"That's fine." I said as he nodded and he went to get whatever that was. I could feel him move the sheets off my back.

The rock which weren't super hot but hot enough to where it warmed my body.

My spine very warm.

"I don't know what this is but it feels great." I said softly.

"The rocks are just warm enough to warm your back and it's supposed to help you relax." He said "The owner tried it on me to show everybody."

"Felt great." He added.

"You let someone else touch you." I said as he rolled my eyes.

"Oh relax." He said "It was the owner, now everybody knows that I'm pretty much taken."

"We will fight." I said as he pulled off the rocks.

"Cool yourself." He said "It was nothing."

"I don't like people touching you." I said.

"It nothing but professional, don't worry about it Yes." He said "Stress is bad remember."

"Flip." He said as I did that and he went to get the lotion.

"I'm just saying." I said "I'm not okay with the thought that all these others girl."

"They are clients, most of them married." He added "I'm not doing anything okay."

"I'm just saying, if I'm going to allow this to be serious. I will fight someone." I said.

"Think of it this way." He offered "All the other girls are just reminding me of what they don't have on you right."

"Like your beauty and your weirdly soft legs." He said "That Help."

"Yes." I sighed "It does."

"Good." He said as he switched legs.

I took a breath as I relaxed and waited for him to finish. Which took maybe 10 minutes after that.

I sat up as I held the sheets to my body.

He set my clothes beside me as I did despise getting dressed.

"Clothes are pointless." I said "I can walk around in a sheet."

"You can not." He said back "If I can't get touched you can't walk around naked."

I raised a eyebrow as I pulled on my underwear. Standing half naked as I slowly pulled on my clothes.

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