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I had always enjoyed dances with my parents company. More so I enjoyed dressing up.

But one thing I really enjoyed was the reaction I got.

"Wow." Alex said as his eyes went down my body.

"I'm going to guess it's a good Wow." I asked.

"Are you sure we have to go to this event." He asked "Cause I can think of some better plans."

"I spent like over an hour getting ready so we defiantly have to go." I said back as he looked towards my face.

"I think your parents might give us a pass." He said.

"No." I said stubbornly "Not gonna happen."

He pouted at me.

"But why." He asked.

"Cause I said so." I said back "Now stop pouting."

He didn't as I rolled my eyes at him.

"You can be all extra later after the dance." I said back "Now we need to leave so stop."

He sighed.

"I'm on strike, I don't want to go." He said "Not nearly as fun."

I sighed loudly.

"Could you not be so extra." I said "We don't have time for that now."

"We can make time." He said "Lots of time because I've got about 5 different ways this could go in my head now."

"Well it's going to have to wait." I said back to him "We have to go dazzle everybody with our good looks."

Alex only blinked as i smiled at him in reply.

"Let's go." I said as I kissed him quickly and he had a blank face.

"Don't Be So grim Alex." I said "It's not like we can't make time later."

"We can show up." I said "Have a nice time and then get to all that."

"That's no fun." Alex said "I would much rather spend my time in a far more effective way."

"It is affect, I get to show off my very attractive boyfriend." I said.

"Whatever." Alex muttered "Ill just suffer silently."

"You act like you never get any." I said "I'm sure you'll be fine for a few hours."

"Whatever." He said back.

I left it alone as we arrived and someone opened the door.

"Thank you." I smiled as the man nodded.

Alex next to me as the man shut the door.

"If you keep frowning I swear to god Alex." I said lowly "You will get nothing."

"Figures." Alex said softly.

"You can survive a few hours." I said "Now stop it."

He just hummed as he looked around. I got in very easily as the man took my name.

It was defiantly a big crowd as he pressed closer to me.

"Is this normal." He asked.

"This isn't even packed." I said "Let's go."

He just seemed out of place as he looked around. I sighed loudly as he was just going to be difficult tonight.

"Look." I said "All you have to do is stay by me and be polite to whoever you meet."

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