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The one thing I always didn't like about dating Gabby was the looks I got. It was always like no one believe I had gotten Gabby Blake to date me.

Even more so when she arrived at my work to pick me up.

"Hey." I smiled "Thanks."

"Of course, I don't mind." She said "I'll play taxi, for a price of course."

I smiled as I pulled on my coat and she held her purse still. I sighed wrapping an arm around her torso.

"I'm sure we can discuss that." I said kissing her quickly as she smiled.

"Let's go, mom made dinner." She said as I nodded.

Ignoring the people whispering around us.

"You can drive home." She said as she handed me her keys.

"Okay." I said "Come on."

I smiled at her taking the keys as she walked next to me and her fingers bent inside mine.

"Bye." I said to my boss as she smiled at me.

"Bye." She said "See you soon Gabby."

"Bye." Gabby said "Have a nice day."

"You too." Gabby said "Mom said hi."

"Good to know." She said as she waved and I moved on.

Walking next to Gabby who nodded as she pushed down her dark sunglasses.

"How was your day." I asked.

"Fine." She said "Yours."

"Normal, more crazy looks cause we're dating." I said adjusting the seat.

"Why are people so against you." She asked "Your Nice to people and your hot."

"I'm glad that's your evaluation of me." I said.

"You know what I mean." She said "Your a good guy."

"It is cause I am not rich." I said turning the car to leave the parking lot.

"Money isn't everything." She said "I mean yeah it's nice but it doesn't make anyone happy."

"It's all in the person." I said "Some people are happy with just having lots of money."

"My parents have millions." She said "And if I've learned anything it's that your happier with someone."

"Like my parents have always been happy and so were my grandparents." She said "On both sides."

"That's a good life lesson." I said.

"Isn't it." She said as she reached into her glove box.

"What's even in there." I asked looking that way."

"Pretty much just napkins and stupid stuff." She said "It's just dirty."

"What." I asked "I though everything you owned was clean."

"Shut up and drove or you can pay for my new car after we reck." She said as I laughed gently but still I drove as she cleaned out her glove box.

"Come on." I said "We're here."

She nodded as I grabbed the keys and she shut her door. Walking next to me as she was the first in.

"How was work." Sarah asked as i shrugged.

"Fine." I said.

Abby who pulled up suddenly as she walked in.

"Hey." Gabby smiled.

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