That look

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"Hey." Alex smiled the next day as he came back from work.

I smiled back at him gently as he pressed a brief kiss on my mouth.

"How was work." I asked as he shrugged.

"Fine, and you." He asked as I shrugged myself.

"Work." I said as his arms wrapped around my torso.

"I know that." He said "How was your day."

"Fine." I said as he nodded pressing a brief kiss on my cheek. I pouted as he rolled his eyes kissing my lips.

My eyes shut as I held his neck and I turned in his body. He didn't fight that much as his arms held me tight.

I'm just saying he was crazy hot and I had no resistance. My phone rung as I was prepared to ignore it.

"You should answer that." Alex said as I grabbed it.

"What." I answered.

"What pissed in your Cheerios." Abby asked.

"You apparently." I said back "What do you want."

"David called me." She said.

"Abigail." I said "You haven't learned yet, he doesn't care about you."

"I know." She said "Its just to much to resist sometimes."

"I think all of us know he doesn't care about you, you need to move on." I said.

Alex made a movement so I put the phone on speaker.

"He's only doing it because he knows your going to keep coming back Abby." Alex said "You need to show him that he can't play with you."

"I don't know if I can." She said.

"You can." He said "All you need to do is tell him to leave you alone, make it very clear he's no longer allowed to play with your feelings."

"And if he doesn't believe me, hell I wouldn't believe me." She said.

"Do you want to keep this." He asked.

"No." She said.

"There you have it." He said "So long as you know you deserve better and you do. You'll be fine."

"Okay." She said "I'll call him and I'll tell It's over for real."

"You have to be clear, show him that you have no interest." Alex said "If the need comes I'm sure Gabby will Kick his ass for you."

"For sure." I said "Just tell me when."

"Do you have anything of his." Alex asked.

"Yeah a shirt." She said "And a hoodie."

"Give it back, show him that your serious." He said.

"But it's a really warm hoodie." She said "I can send the shirt back."

"Hoodie too." Alex said "I'll give you one of mine."

"He won't." I said "Those are mine."

"All of them." I said.

"Don't listen to her." Alex said rolling his eyes "Every girl wants to keep the hoodie."

"Okay." She sighed "He can have the hoodie."

"Wash it." I said "It can't smell like you."

"I will." She said "Thanks guys."

"You can do it." Alex said "We are rooting for you."

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