Arrest and all

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"Gabby." Alex asked "Is it true."

"What?" I asked.

"Kayla got arrested today." Alex said "I saw it."

"I'm aware." I said "Haven't decided if I'm pressing charges or not."

"Because." He asked.

"She Keyed my car." I said "And popped my tire."

"Seriously." He asked.

"Camera footage." I said "My parents are over it."

"Are you pressing charges." He asked.

"I don't know." I said "I should do she leaves me alone."

"You know what that's gonna do." He asked.

"Teach her a lesson." I said "She keyed my car, that's a felony."

"Yeah but it's gonna ruin her life." He said.

"Then She's gonna stop acting stupid." I said "Sorry Alex but this is final."

"It's fine." He said "I just can't believe it."

"Well you should." I said "It'll be easier for us both."

"I know." He said "I don't want to fight either."

He wrapped an arm around my waist as I sighed. Letting the hug happen as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I thought the purse was enough." He said as I nodded.

I was relaxed and it was nice as the door bell rung. I went to get it as I glared at the familiar face.

"What the hell do you want." I asked my Anut as she stood.

"To talk to your father." She said as I raised a eyebrow.

"He's not home." I said "Your not welcome here."

My parents pulled up as she saw the headlights. I still had mom's Jeep.

"Dad kick her out." I said as he walked up and he locked his doors.

"Gabby be nice." Dad said "What do you want."

"To speak to you." She said.

"We don't have money for you." Mom said "Were broke."

"You look broke." A voice said as it was her daughter.

"Hannah." I said as she looked up at me.

"Gabriella." She said as I cringed.

"You'll deal with this Dad." I asked.

"I've got this Gabby." Dad said.

"I'm Hannah." She said to Alex.

"Don't even think about it." I said "Alex were leaving."

"Alex." She said "Nice name."

"Thanks." He said as he got a hold of my hand.

"Don't talk to him please, he's my boyfriend." I said.

"That i am." Alex said "Let's go babe."

"Mine." I said "All Mine."

He smiled at me as he pulled me up the steps.

"Bye." Alex said.

"Be safe kids." Mom said.

"We know mom." I said back "Well keep it down."

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