Your going to have to prove it

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"Abigail." The girl said as she shook my hand. "I go by Abby."

"I've heard a lot about you, I'm Alex." I said.

"You talk about me, that's so sweet." Abby said.

"I'm Jenny." An older woman said "My husband Evan."

"Hi." I said.

"My other cousin Zach." Gabby said "His parents Rachel and Keaton."

"Hello." Zach said.

"Hi." I said.

"I'm Serena." The last girl said "Mom Chelsea and Dad Ian."

"Hi." I said as I sat down.

"Nice to meet you Alex." Ian said "I've heard a lot about you."

"Good stuff I hope." I said as I took a breath.

"Pretty much." He said as I nodded.

"Somethings I do keep private." Gabby said as she sat next to me.

"I find that hard to believe." I said as she shrugged.

"I like you." Zach said "I like you a lot."

"He's mine." Gabby said "Could you not."

I rolled my eyes along with Zach as Gabby pulled me closer. Her fingers bending inside mine.

"I'm not trying to steal your boyfriend." He said as he rolled his eyes.

"Well you couldn't steal him to begin with." She replied as she glared.

"Relax." I said "I'm sure he didn't mean it that way."

She hummed as I sent her a small smile kissing her quickly. She did relax as I had wanted as she leaned on my shoulder.

She was quiet as her fingers held onto mine and my thumb ran over her palm.

"So Alex." Serena said "How did you meet Gabby."

"You already know this." Gabby said "I told you he works at the spa."

"I know, can I get a free massage." She asked as I chuckled.

"Touch and die." Gabby said as I rolled my eyes.

"Your violent." I said "Relax a little."

Gabby still glared at her cousin. 

"I would but you know." I said.

Gabby glared at me too as I ignored it.

"You can go pay for it like the rest of us." Gabby said.

"You still pay for them." Zach asked.

"Every 2 weeks." Gabby said "They have some great hot rock treatments."

"Only 75 dollars for an hour." I said.

"I recommend it." Gabby said.

"See." I offered.

"But would you recommend Alex." Zach said.

"If you touch him I will rip your limbs off, test me Zachary." Gabby said.

"We have others." I cut in "We have girls too."

"Yes you can have the bitch who ruined my purse." Gabby said.

"You got a new one." I said "She's not that bad of a person by the way."

"Cause I couldn't clean that one." Gabby said "The people couldn't get it."

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