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"Hey." Alex smiled "How was the vacation."

I had tried for 3 days to get Alex to agree to vacation with me and my parents but he refused. I was just pissed he refused.

Something about he couldn't take the time off. Whatever it didn't matter anyways it was his lost.

"I got the pictures. I was disappointed that none were of you in very revealing outfits." He said as I cleared my throat.

"Well you would have seen it if you bothered to attend." I said back.

"Ouch." He said "You look tan."

"You look like a dick." I said back.

"I take it your mad at me." He said "I mean I'm just guessing here."

He was lucky I hadn't dumped him yet, and I thought about it.

"Well I missed you." He said "My bed was lonely without you."

I said nothing back to him as I just let him do his job. Which he did as he spoke to me anyways.

"So." He asked as I was getting dressed "How about we get dinner tonight."

"For." I asked as I pulled on my heels sitting briefly.

"Because you've been gone for a week and I missed you." He said "I've gotten some overtime and I though we could go somewhere nice."

"I'm busy." I replied as he didn't let me leave yet.

"Hey." He said "It's just dinner, I'll pick you up after I get off work."

I didn't confirm or deny.

"Okay well we're going anyways so be ready by 7." He said back.

"Whatever." I replied.

"I don't even get a tip." He asked "I'm hurt."

"Shove it." I replied as he smiled.

"You look great." He said "I'll see you at 7."

Paying for the massage as I left the place. I shouldn't have gotten ready but I wasn't go somewhere looking bad.

Alex arrived at my house at 6:45.

"Traffic wasn't bad so I'm early." He said "But you look amazing."

I just raised a eyebrow.

"Am I not allowed to admire my girlfriend." He asked.

"No." I said "I didn't do this for you. I won't get caught looking bad."

"You never look bad." He said as he rolled his eyes wrapping an arm around me.

He smiled.

"Can I have a kiss." He asked "I'm deprived."

"No." I said as he didn't care and he kissed me anyways.

I glared as he pulled away.

"Much better." He said "We have to go now."

He opened my door as he drove to the place. Getting us both out as we sat down.

"You do look amazing." He said.

"I don't need to repeat my reasoning." I said as he shrugged off my attitude.

He wouldn't give up as he paid and he held my hand.

"I was thinking maybe we could get some ice cream or something." He said "Before I take you home."

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