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2 weeks later I returned to the Spa for my massage.

"Hello Gabby." The owner said as I smiled.

"Hello." I said.

"Room 2." She said "Hows the purse."

"That's a story for after I return." I said "You'll want me calm."

"I will." She said "Alex will be with you in 15 minutes."

"Thanks." I said as I took off my clothes and I set them in a pile. I was on my phone laying on the comfy table. The sheets covering my body.

"Alex." I greeted as he smiled.

"Gabby." He said "How are you."

"Fine." I said "Still avoiding my mom."

"Yes." He said "How did the purse thing go."

"Well I could tell you but I'm planning on announcing that after I'm done with you." I smiled.

"Ouch, I don't even get a sneak peak." He said.

"I mean we could talk about a peak if you'd like." I said back as he rolled his eyes.

"Your subtlety is so attractive." He said.

"Isn't it." I said as I took a breath letting him get to his work.

He still spoke with me as he did whatever he usually did.

"You do know my mom will find you right." I said "She will get what she wants."

"I can run for as long as possible." He said as his thumb pushed in my back.

"So are you guys secretly like that show 'the Client List'." I asked.

"We are not." He said.

"Damn." I said "I would pay for that."

"Your so sweet to me." He said as I smiled.

"I try." I said "I don't think any of you are going to like me when you hear the bill your friend has coming."

"I take it they couldn't fix it." He said.

"Nope." I said "Called me yesterday."

"Was that purse really 2 grand." He asked.

"It was." I said "And we had to pay for them to try and clean it."

"Poor girl." He said.

"She did it on purpose." I said "I knew her in high school. She never liked me."

"I don't think she thought I was going to say something." I added.

"You can't just be nice and let it go." He asked "What if I spilled coffee on your purse."

"Then you could work it out another way." I said "I don't much like her to begin with."

"There's that being subtle I was talking about earlier." He said "Flip."

I switched to lay on my back as I looked towards him.

"As I've said before Alex, I get what I want too." I said "I want her to pay, I want her to pay lots."

"In total 2,300 dollars." I said.

He whistled.

"That's a lot." He said.

"I thought you were talking about me." I said.

He rolled his eyes.

"Your nice." He said sarcastically as I smiled.

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