Hair cuts

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"This is pointless." Alex said "I don't want a hair cut."

"You need one." I said back "Let's go."

He sighed as he got out and I held his hand close to me.

"I don't want this." He said.

"I'm getting one too." I said.

"How May I help you." The lady asked.

"We would like to get our hair cut but Alex wants to go first." I said.

"You know what you want done." She asked him.

"You can ask her." Alex said "She's forcing me."

"I'm not forcing anything." I said.

"This way." She said as he followed and he sat down.

"So what are we doing." She asked me.

"He needs to have his style cleaned up." I said "He can keep the whole messy hair don't care thing."

"But maybe just clean it up." I said.

She nodded running her hands in his hair.

"So trim the sides and the top and leave it fall where it may." She said.

"Yes." I said "That's what we want."

"I can do that, why don't you wait and when I'm done we can handle your hair." She said.

I nodded at her words and moved to go sit down. I'm not sure what she said to Alex but he seemed just the same when he was done.

The sides now shaved down and the top not falling nearly as much.

"Better." Alex asked.

"Yes." I said "Much, you much work magic."

"I try." She said laughing "What do you think."

"It looks basically the same." I said "Much more healthy."

He made a face as he moved along and I rolled my eyes.

"Go." I said "You look cute."

"I always look cute." Alex said as I just sighed and let his hair go from my hands moving it.

He pushed it to the side as I pressed a quick kiss on his mouth.

"Go Wait." I said as he sighed.

"Fine." He said as he moved and he was left the room.

I sat down.

"So what are you looking to do." She asked.

"I just want to trim it." I said "Take a few inches off to keep it healthy."

"Simple and easy." She said "Great."

It didn't take her long as my very long hair Now was just past my shoulders.

"Thanks." I said as I paid for it and I left a tip.

She smiled at me in reply as she waved us off. I drove back to the house as Alex was on his phone.

"Look at you." Mom said "I like the hair."

"Gabby made me." Alex said.

"Someone has to." Dad said "Looks nice."

"It's not long enough." Alex said "I don't like it."

"Sucks to be you." I said "You look a lot less homeless."

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