I make everything look good

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The next day it was just a normal day at my house when the doorbell rung.

"Hello." My Mom answered.

"I'm looking for Gabriella." He said.

"What do you want with her." Dad asked.

"We need to speak to her." He said "It's urgent."

"I'm here." I said "What's going on."

"Gabriella Blake." He asked.

"Yes that's me." I said.

"Your under arrest." He said as I blinked.

"She's been here with me all day." Alex said.

"It's fine." I said "I didn't do anything."

"On what charges." Dad asked.

"Criminal Intent." He said as he turned me around.

"You have anything sharp on you." He asked.

"No." I said.

He then proceeded to read me my rights as I rolled my eyes. I was there for over an hour getting detained.

"I need your shoes." The lady said.

"These are expensive." I said "They aren't doing anything."

"They have a sharp heel." She said "Give me them."

"No." I said "Not my shoes."

"Don't be difficult." She said "I'm sure they will be fine."

"These shoes are a thousand dollars." I said "I'm not taking them off."

She sighed as she nodded and someone lifted me up.

"Hey." I said "Put me down."

"Thanks." She said as she set them aside.

"I am going to sue you." I said "All of you."

"Sure you are." She said "Take her."

"I will." I said "I want my shoes."

"Bye." She waved as she rolled her eyes.

I refused to say even a word to them.

"Hello." The voice said "Don't say anything Gabby."

"No problem here." I said.

"I'm her lawyer." She said "Jessica Johnson."

The man across from me smiled.

"Well I'm sure you know your client has lots of time ahead of her then." He said.

"I want to know what grounds you have to even hold my client." She said.

"I would like to note who ever checked my stuff stole my shoes." I said "I want to sue she forced them off me and whoever helped her."

"We can talk about that later." She said.

"Your client has been helping plan a very large attack on a club." He said "She's in trouble."

"Where have you been Gabby." She asked me.

"Work, home and with Alex." I said "You can ask him."

"There you go." She said "Alibi."

"Just cause you have money doesn't mean we won't find your tracks." He said.

"I haven't done anything." I said "So look away, last thing I bought was shoes."

"Like I said, either you charge her or you let her go." Jessica said "And as it seems you have no evidence or even Motive."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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