Extra: first massage

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-Gabby- (age 18)

I had been coming here for probably about a year to the same guy every 2 weeks.

"Hello." A voice of a male said as I laid against the bed.

"Hi." I said wearily as I looked over the male.

He was hot, brown hair that seemed to almost fall down his face. Looking back at me with a pair of bright green eyes.

I had easily found myself lost in his eyes alone as he more on the tan side. I mean he look pretty muscular from here.

I cleared my throat.

"Is Frank sick." I asked "He's usually the masseuse."

"Actually no." He said "Frank quit the other day."

"Why?" I asked.

"Not sure." He said "But I can tell you the owner assigned you to me."

"I'm Alex by the way." He said.

"Gabby." I said.

"Shall we." He asked as I made a sound.

"Oh." I said "Sorry."

"No it's fine." He said "We were all confused when he quit."

"So he just got up and quit." I asked "He didn't say anything about it."

"Most people don't." He said as he went to doing his job.

"So Gabby." He said changing the subject.

"How long have you been coming here." He asked.

"A year now." I said "Every two weeks."

"While I may not be Frank I've been told I do a good job too." He said as I looked ahead.

"I don't mean to sound rude." I said "I just didn't expect him to quit."

"It's fine." He said "I get it."

"I guess I didn't think he would just leave, he always seemed so happy." I said he rubbed an oil into my back.

"Someone people are better at hiding things then others." Alex said "It's all in the person."

I didn't answer as he kept on with the massage. It did feel good I guess I was just really shocked.

"So Gabby, What brings you to this exact place." He asked.

"Close to my house, cheaper then the other places." I said.

"Good to know." He said "You seem pretty to yourself."

"Not really." I said as he hit a big spot and my eyes shut.

"What's your last name Gabby." He asked.

"Blake." I said.

"Sounds familiar." He said.

"My parents Jeremy and Sarah." I said.

"Don't they own that big building." He asked.

"Blake incorporated." I said "That's the one."

"You don't seem like you come from money Gabby." He said.

"Eh." I said "You'd be amazed if you saw my closet."

"I'm sure I would be." He said as I did enjoy this new guy but still. I was worried about Frank.

"What would you like to talk about Gabby." He said "I'm merely here to do what you'd like."

"I don't have much to talk about." I said "No boyfriend, parents have been married for 17 years."

"That's a while." He said.

"It Is." I said.

"Why don't you have a boyfriend." He asked "You seem to be quite pretty to me."

"Cause boys are stupid." I said.

"As a boy I'm offended." Alex said.

"They are." I said "Last Guy I was with dumped me for some other girl."

"Me of all the people." I said.

"Just cause one guy is mean doesn't mean the rest of us are." He said "Maybe you need to look in a different area."

"Are you offering." I asked back.

"Advice." He said back.

"So what about you then Alex, what does your girlfriend say about this job."  I asked.

"I don't have one." He said "I work to much to maintain a relationship."

"That a shame." I said.

"Thanks." He said back "I appreciate it."

"I'm just saying, if I was your girlfriend. I might have a problem with you being surrounded by naked girls all day." I said.

"Well then it's a good thing we aren't dating isn't it." He asked.

"I'm offended." I said "I am a great girlfriend."

"I'm not saying you aren't." He said back.

"Sure." I said "Just for that I'm going to cut your tip."

"Rude." He said.

"Yep, that's what you get for insulting me." I said.

He rolled his eyes as I was kind of against how easy I feel into his trap. He smiled still as he found it amusing and I found him alluring.

I laid my head down going back to my massage. If I wasn't in control I would have let the fast beating of my heart continue.

I calmed down as he went to finishing with the lotion I usually got. I sat up as he handed me my clothes.

He made himself busy with putting the stuff back while I got dressed. I sat down to pull on my shoes.

"Those are adventurous." He said as I shrugged.

"Custom made, they have memory foam for comfort." I said.

"Sounds expensive." He said as I nodded at him in reply.

"Only like 3 hundred." I said "They are quite comfy."

"I'm sure they are." He said "For that amount of money."

I smiled as I used his shoulder to pull on my other shoe. Going in my purse as I grabbed my wallet.

I was going to need my card anyways as I went into the cash I had.

"Your lucky I haven't gone to the bank." I said "This is all the cash I have."

"Thank you." He said "Much appreciated."

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