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I hadn't heard from Alex the next few days. I was worried so I went to see him at work.

"Gabby." He said "I'm busy."

"I paid for a half hour." I said "You've been ignoring me."

"Maybe it's for a reason." He said.

"Well If you could explain why that'd be nice." I said.

"Look, I don't have time for your games." He said.

"Obviously something's happened, What's wrong." I asked "We can talk about it."

"I don't want to talk about it." He said "Okay don't you get that."

"You listen to me, I can listen to you." I offered "We still have 25 minutes."

"Look Gabby." He said as he looked frustrated but we had to talk about this.

It would be helpful.

"I get it, your angry." I said "That's why I'm here, I'm worried about you."

"I don't want to do this." He said "I don't want to talk to you. Go back to your happy little bubble."

"Woah." I said "Obviously this is a big problem."

"Just go away." He said.

"No." I said "Not until you tell me what's wrong."

"What's wrong." He asked me "Your what's wrong."

"Your obviously trying to scare me away." I said "Not doing a good job."

"I want nothing from you." He said "I want you to stay away."

"Sure Alex." I said "We have time left."

He rolled his eyes.

"Don't you get it, you are nothing but a problem in my life and I want you gone." He said.

I wasn't believing this, he was just angry Gabby.

"Say what you want." I said "I'm not easily scared."

"Your insane." He said "And I'm serious. You and your money has done nothing but ruin my life."

"My money." I asked "The only thing I've given you is tips."

"You don't seem to understand do you." He said "Everything around you must be in your control. The stupid purse that we both know your dad replaced."

"She still ruined it." I said "It doesn't matter."

"She is working so much to lay for that thing." He said "You don't even care."

"I gave her 6 weeks." I said "She has time still."

"You act like 2 grand is chump change." He said "Honestly just leave Gabby, I don't want to do this."

"You owe me a date still, you can't just put me aside." I said.

"I already did." He said "I mean it, I want nothing to do with you."

"Your an ungrateful, spoiled, rich girl who has her world handed to her." He said "Your not the person I want to be around."

That one, that one hurt.

"You don't mean that." I said.

"You ever worked a day in your life." He asked me "You ever made your own money."

"I thought so." He said when I went quiet.

That one actually really hurt.

"Fine, if I leave then I'm not coming back." I said.

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