Rich People Problems 101

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That day after work I went home to figure out what's wrong with my car. I was right it was my battery.

Which my dad was taking out so we could charge it.

"Don't you have a boyfriend for this." Dad asked.

"He's working late cause we woke up late." I said "He should be back soon."

"Of course He should." Dad said "Can't we just pay people to do this."

"Like you've never taken a battery out." I said.

"I'm too rich for this." Dad said "I would rather pay people to do it for me."

"Rich people problems 101." I said "I'm too lazy Let's pay someone."

"Exactly." Dad said "Next time I'm going to pay someone."

"Or I can make Alex do it." I said.

"That's works too." He said "Let's charge this and hope it's all that's wrong."

I nodded as I took the battery from him and he plugged it in.

"Having fun." Alex asked.

"You are like 30 minutes too late." Dad said as he washed his hands.

"I was working." He said "Boss wanted me to make 8 hours."

"Dad had to take out the battery in my car, he's angry." I said.

"Can't you just pay someone to do it." He said as he came towards me and my arm wrapped around him.

"I'm going to next time." Dad said "Where's your mom."

"I'm not sure." I said "Think she went to the store."

"Probably went to get dinner." He said as he dried his hands.

"More then likely." I said.

"Do you like ever go home Alex." Dad asked.

"That's rude." Mom said walking in.

"Not really." Alex said "I don't think my mom likes it."

"I don't think your mom likes anything." I said.

"True." He said "But she doesn't like Gabby so we argue a lot."

"I'm such a likable person though." I said "Look at this face."

Alex rolled his eyes.

"Don't think it makes my mom like you." Alex said.

"I think your whole ancestors don't like me." I said "It's a good thing I don't die easy."

"Isn't it." Mom said "Who else is going to be stuck with you."

"Us." Dad said.

"What would we really do if Gabby wasn't here." Mom asked.

"Probably be bored but still." Dad said.

"It's fine. I'll just move into Alex's house." I said.

"Don't think that's a good idea." Alex said "Your better off in hell, probably safer then my house."

"Hell isn't that bad, Lucifer is a good friend of mine." I said "He likes me."

"Lucifer is a good friend of everyone." Mom said "He was nice when I was pregnant."

"All those years ago." I said.

"Shut up child." Mom said "I'll beat you."

"That's my job." Alex said "I have dibs."

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