Extra: Avoiding and all

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I woke up in the morning with a small groan as I stretched. Looking around the unfamiliar room. I heard a noise next to me as I cursed myself.

As I looked beside me I could see the female figure. The familiar hair falling as I took a deep breath. I could figure out what I had done.

Now I had to get out of it, I very carefully left the bed as I got dressed as fast as possible.

Praying I didn't leave anything as I went down the steps.

"Morning." A male said as I looked up.

"Hello." I said "How are you."

"Fine, you seem to be in a rush." He said.

"My Mom called me." I said "I have to go."

"Have a nice day." He said.

"You too." I smiled as I left the house to get in my car.

I woke up slowly as I moved carefully to avoid the body. Yet my bed was empty and I sat up feeling around.

He left, that can't be right. I went down the steps.

"Dad." I asked "Did someone leave."

"Yeah." Dad said "Said his mom called and he had to leave."

"Thanks." I said as I went up towards the steps.

"I take it his mom didn't call." He asked.

"Nope." I said "I've been left."

"Sorry." He said "He seemed very rushed."

"Of course he was Dad." I said "He didn't want me to wake up and find him apparently."

As I was starting to walk away I saw something as I bent to pick it up.

"Would you look at that." I said "I would advise him not to rush."

"He dropped something." He asked.

"He dropped his ID." I said "And I know where he lives now."

"Look at that." Dad said.

I went to take a shower and it was maybe a week until my next massage. I didn't bring up the fact he left me.

"How have you been." He asked as I shrugged.

"Not bad." I said "My last weekend is a little fuzzy. I can't remember it."

"What day." He asked.

"Saturday." I said "I don't know what happened."

"I'm sure it's nothing." He said as he smiled at me.

As I was getting dressed he waited for me to finish.

"Oh and Alex." I said as he looked up.

"Yeah." He asked as I went in my purse.

"You left this at my house." I said as I smiled.

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