
"Hi babe." Alex smiled that day as I sighed.

"Damn." I sighed as I noticed how easy he walked.

"Your cousin came in today." He said "Don't worry she paid, she noticed something was off and healed me."

I rolled my eyes. Of course she did such a thing.

"But I'm here now." He smiled "I missed you."

He wrapped his arms around me as I just stood there.

"Help me." I said to my parents as they shrugged.

"Hello." Alex waved.

I was going to scream at him if he didn't leave me alone.

"Hi." Mom said "Have fun kids."

"Traitors." I said as Alex looked down at me.

"How was work." He asked "You look nice."

I rolled my eyes fast as he smiled. He wrapped his arms around me. Pulling me close to him.

"I missed you." He said "I had a great time trying to work with a bruised back by the way."

I crossed my arms as he didn't care and kept moving us. He lifted me up as I made a small sound. He carried me up the steps.

I said nothing as he carried me. He set me gently on my bed, laying behind me as he smiled.

"So much better." He said as he smiled and I sighed.

He pulled me as close as he could.

"You know I don't enjoy lying to you." He said "But that kind of thing isn't a huge deal."

"Yet you lied." I said as he smiled facing me.

"Because I knew you would do this." He said "I do it for my mom too."

"She's your mom, that's different." I said.

"How." He asked "Seriously."

"Cause she gave birth to you." I replied.

"I wasn't going to cheat on you." He said "I wouldn't do that."

"Yet you just give all these girls a massage whenever." I said.

"So what does that mean for you." He asked as I looked anywhere but his face. I was mad.

"Look I don't want to fight with you but I can't just swear I'm not going to do what I like to do." He said.

"You do it anyways." I said as I tried to flip around but he wouldn't let me.

"There is no need for that." He said "I am not going anywhere okay."

I didn't say anything but slowly it dropped. I had tried my hardest to not react so badly but it wasn't very easy. I would get mad when people flirted with him.

Openly, right near me like we weren't dating. I swear I was going to stab everyone who touched him. He had spoke to me that it was nothing.

But it made me angry and I didn't think rationally when I was mad. He had said something about me not always getting what I want.

But he's crazy cause that isn't true. He didn't like me glaring at people when he was working. So naturally it caused tension.

Which lead to him getting angry and then me getting angry.

"Look." I said sick of the yelling.

"Why don't you just go home for a day or two Alex." I said "Calm down."

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