Chapter 14

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*1 month Time skip* Anddd this chapter is dedicated to @childofbrysont she came up with it and lets get this straight right now im changing tanyas pregnancy mmonth to 6 months officially



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"and breathe in and out" i kept my hands on tanyas stomach as i held an annoyed look on my face while this lady told us to breathe in and out over and over again. I shouldve stayed my fine ass at the house ...i already got a call from a nigga named pandora who want to make a deal so i gotta meet him later.

We was in the posh area of new york so few people knew who i was and i was content with that. Its nice to not have people cowering away in fear when you take a single step towards in their direction..and this meant more bonding time with my Little african queen..

Tanya was enjoying this shit but i was ready to go ... it was too many pregnant women in this damn room for me. And why the hell does a kingpin have to be here anyway... Ill tell you why ,Tanya.

I was also uncomfortable cause there were women in here looking at me like i was a peice of meat and they was hungry as hell. I know im fine but yoo chill out when anotha' nigga seed in you and he right behind you. I just got that "that nigga" aura i cant help it.

"Okayyy now we are gonna try something different, ladies i want you to squat on the big balls and rotate your hips in a circle and as for you men i want you to hold their hands while they rotate and practice the breathing technique''i held tanyas hand annoyed while she cheesed at me while rotating her hips on that big ass ball.

She was so fucking happy i dont know why when we could do some personal yoga at home if you know what i mean. I laughed at my self and tanya just grinned at me bouncing on that ball holding my hand.

I didnt see why the hell she was so damn happy and smiling so hard it was making me honestly scared as hell. Attention: all niggas in the usa i have an important message if yo girl pregnant run while you can my nigga and come back when yo baby being born and dont hold no hands at the delivery yo shit will be broke i repeat yo shit will be broken but back to the story..

She started breathing heavily doing the technique and my damn legs was hurting so i sat behind her laying my head on her shouldar as my hands rested on her thighs while she rotated the ball around and rubbed my wrists. It felt nice as fuck yo.

We rotated for about 5 minutes and started to hear awws and got attention when somebody broke the silence.

"Tone what the helll are you doing here with her fat ass" my eyes flew open as i stared at keisha and i prayed she wouldnt cause a bigger scene in front of these white people cause i didnt feel like going to jail for the 7th time...maybe tommorrow but today i just wanted to chill with tanya like damn can i ever relax and not kill somebody child.

A KingPins BabyMama { Urban Novel }Where stories live. Discover now