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iMessage with Hoenah😂

Hoenah😂: When are you landing? Zach's hungry
You: Jeez when is he not hungry 😋
Hoenah😂: honestly I don't think it's possible for him
Hoenah😂: But Seriously when are u landing??
You: around 15 minutes.
Hoenah😂: Ttyl

I turned off my phone. I can't believe I finally get to live in a freakin mansion! Oh, yeah, and I guess seeing Jonah is pretty cool too. Lol joking. Or am I???

Time skip to airport

I ran towards Jonah at a deathly speed
"Oh my god!!-"
"I know I missed you too." Jonah said trying to hug me
I pushed him off.
"No, you idiot! You got me food!" I said with a goofy grin while the boys laughed
I finally hugged Jonah. Ok?
"So who are these doods?" I said pointing to the four dudes behind him
"This is Corbyn, Daniel, Jack, and Zach." He said pointing left to right
"Jack has anyone ever told you-"
"That my hair looks like a bunch of noodles?" He said cutting me off
"No, that that's a cool nose piercing."
"No actually not a lot of people notice it." Jack said hiding behind his hair a little bit
"Where have I seen you before?" I said looking at Daniel
"In your dreams." We both went silent for a minute and then started laughing
Then my phone went off. I checked it and it was Justin!
"Hey babe!" I said picking it up
"Don't 'babe' me." He spat
"What?" I asked
"How come I check my Twitter and I get images of laughing with some guy?!" I could feel the venom in his voice
"Alright calm down-"
"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! I'm already stressed out about the whole long distance thing, and then I see you with another guy?!"
"Baby, Take a deep breath, you can trust me."
"Can I really?! You know what maybe it's not working out anymore."
"What are you saying?" My voice cracked
"We're over."
And with that, he hung up.

Daniel's POV:
"Hey babe!" Camila said with a smile, my heart dropped
I saw her smile fade away.
"What?" She looked as if she was in disbelief
"Alright, calm down." I looked at Corbyn, he looked at Zach, Zach looked at Jack, and Jack looked at Jonah. Jonah made a face that said it all, her boyfriend is about to start a fight with her.
"Baby, take a deep breath, you can trust me." She really was a great girlfriend
"What are you saying?" Her voice cracked, and when it did it was like you could hear the sadness oozing out.
She looked at us, and came over as if nothing ever happened.

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