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Jonah's POV
All the months, all the days I've been waiting was finally worth it.
Because one day Camila woke up.
I watched as she opened her eyes, and casually said:
"Oh hey Jonah!"
I hugged her.
"Jonah... I need... air"
I quickly let go of her
"Doctor!" I called
I was so excited to have Camila back!
I could just imagine the look on the boys faces when I go home, with her by my side.
All smiles.
Just like how I felt.
All smiles.
Camila's POV
Jonah was so happy I was awake.
He was running around the hospital room with his arms up, yelling
"Camila is back! Camila is back!"
I smiled at his stupidity.
Quickly, me and Jonah checked out of the hospital.
All the nurses knew him by name!
I stepped out of the car, and onto the driveway.
Home, sweet home!
Jonah bursted through the door, with me behind him.
"Guys! Can you come here to meet someone?!" Jonah yelled
All the guys came from different directions, each one of them with a girl holding their hands.
The girl with Jack giggled.
Not gonna lie, it kinda hurt.
"I'd like you to meet..." Jonah said, before stepping to the side to reveal me
"Camila!" All the boys said at once
The all hugged me at the same time, causing the 5 headed human beast we had created, fall to the floor.
I laughed from underneath all of them.
We were inseparable.
Until some girl separated us.
"Jacky! Who is this girl?!" The girl yelled
"Oh, Aspen, meet Camila."
"Yogurt girl!" I yelled, realizing it was the same girl from chapter 1.1
(^ Sorry I just had to.)
"Ugh! You?!?" She screamed
The boys took a step back
"You're correct. It is me. Feel free to bask in my glory." I said, sticking my arms out wide, and spinning slowly
I heard a giggle from the girl with Daniel
I hate her
"Can you get this meanie out of my house?" She pouted
"Meanie? How old are you, five?!" I teased
She scoffed
Then, ASSpen? I think that was her name, gets in my face and hisses;
"You're nothing compared to me. You never will be. Just because you're Jonah's little sister, doesn't mean you're special."
I wiped air away from my nose
"And just because your dating Jack, doesn't mean you have to stop brushing your teeth! Woosh! Jeez girl, you've got some serious breath!" I exclaimed
Asspen covered her mouth and ran upstairs
"Point Camila!" Corbyn yelled
I hugged him
"How have you guys been? Who are these girls?" I asked, really excitedly
We all caught up.
Zach's friend, was actually his cousin, and her name was May.
Corbyn's girlfriend was named Madison, and was really pretty.
Daniel's "Friend" (aka girlfriend in the making) was named Bailey.
Jack went upstairs with Aspen, and never came back down.

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